Crypto Derivatives Powerhouse Phemex lancerer handelskonkurrence med en kolossal $750,000 Præmiepulje

Some say trading is a game of luck; others view it as an adventure sport. Just like athletes love performing mind-blowing maneuvers, der’s a thrill that comes with executing the perfect trade, For those newer to the scene, trading competitions allow

Moskva planlægger ikke at forbyde russere at købe krypto i udlandet

Rusland vil ikke følge Kina’s kursus og planlægger ikke at forbyde sine borgere at købe kryptokurrency på udenlandske børser, har en højtstående embedsmand oplyst. Russians will not be able to pay with digital coins in their own

Det russiske parlament skal overveje restriktioner for ikke-kvalificerede krypto-investorer

Cryptocurrency can be quite complicated for some and lawmakers in Russia think they need to contemplate restrictions for private investors. According to a high-ranking representative of the legislature, the Russian parliament needs to provide them withmaximum protectionagainst the risks….

Schweizisk regulator godkender First Crypto Fund: Asset Manager siger "Det er en enestående præstation"

Schweiz’s Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) has approved the first Swiss crypto fund. It is managed by asset manager Crypto Finance and custodied by Seba Bank. “For the first time, FINMA has approved a Swiss fund that invests primarily in cryptoassets,”…

Bank of Russia vil 'sænke' betalinger til kryptobørser, Bekæmp russernes impulsive investeringer

Central Bank of Russia is now working with commercial banks in order to delay payments made to digital asset exchanges. The move aims to limitemotionalcryptocurrency purchases made byunqualifiedRussian investors, a CBR official revealed. The move is likely