Data viser, at et utal af kryptonetværk er mere rentable at udvinde end Bitcoin

As the end of the year approaches, digital currency values have risen a great deal in 2021 and crypto asset miners have been profiting as a result. Ifølge statistikker, the most profitable coin to mine at the end of November

WAX bygger det største cross-blockchain-økosystem til NFTS, Spil, og GameFi med Binance

Blockchain BrawlersNFT Collection Launches Later this Month WAX, (Worldwide Asset eXchange), co-founder William Quigley has a vision for the future. One in which an NFT bridgebuilt by the companywould enable blockchain and NFT marketplaces to thrive

Moonshot til $90K — Efter Bitcoin-opgradering Taproot aktiveres, Crypto-fortalere forventer, at prisen stiger

In mid-June, det ‘Speedy Triallock-in period for the Bitcoin network upgrade Taproot locked in at block height 687,285 and was mined by the bitcoin mining pool Slushpool. Taproot is expected to activate on the network on Saturday, november 13, 2021,…

ETC Group frigiver Bitcoin Cash Report, der roser høj brug og levende udvikling

ETC Group, et ETF -udstederfirma, udgav en rapport i sidste måned om udviklingen af ​​Bitcoin Cash i årene efter den hårde gaffel, der skabte den. Mens virksomheden erkendte, at aktivprisen halter i forhold til sin ældre søskende,…

Fantom lancerer NFT Marketplace Artion - Platformen sigter mod at 'aflaste skabere af høje gebyrer'

Den september 24, 2021, Fantom Foundation annoncerede lanceringen af ​​et nyt ikke-fungibelt token (NFT) markedsplads, der har til formål at konkurrere med de utallige NFT-markeder derude i dag. The market dubbed Artion is an NFT marketplace built on the

Beskyt dig selv med Sim Encriptados, Rejs til More Than 200 lande, og kommunikere med sikkerhed

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. When people talk about technology, the first thoughts are cell phones, applications, or equipment; but you rarely recall Sim Cards. Those small cards people often despise, thinking that they are only chips that you use to call or have

Tværkædede broer, der forbinder 5 Forskellige blockchains til Ethereum

I løbet af de sidste par måneder, broteknologi på tværs af kæder er vokset meget, og brugere kan nu bytte aktiver mellem et utal af netværk. I dag, mellem otte forskellige broer der’s centralbank har aktivt testet sin digitale valuta $7.6 milliarder af samlet værdi låst på tværs af disse platforme. Tværkædede broer …

Undersøgelse viser Cross-Chain Bridge Technology Growth, Bridges til Ethereum overskrider $7 Milliard

Den september 8, 2021, Dmitriy Berenzon, research partner at 1kxnetwork, an early-stage crypto fund that helps founders bootstrap token networks, published a comprehensive research post concerning blockchain bridges. Berenzons study highlights the currentmulti-chain market structureand bridges that are making

HUMAN Protokol (HMT) Annoncerer notering på Bitfinex

September 16th, 2021 09:00 UTC – The HUMAN Protocol Foundation, the team behind HUMAN Protocol, have announced today that the Protocols native utility token, HMT, is listed on Bitfinex. Bitfinex is one of the crypto worlds legacy exchanges. It consistently performs

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