Carl Icahn krypto, RVN, ERGO Hashrate stiger i vejret efter fusionen, Stor mængde hashpower venter på ETHW-gaffel

Ethereum has officially transitioned from a proof-of-work (PoW) network to a proof-of-stake (Kosmos) system after seven years of operating as a PoW blockchain. The Merge has forced ethereum miners to transition to other PoW-based tokens and after the ruleset change was

Bitmain lanceres 2,400 Megahash E9 Ethereum Miner Ahead of The Merge

i juli 6, producenten af ​​kryptomineriggen Bitmain annoncerede lanceringen af ​​den længe ventede Antminer E9 efter at have afsløret enheden i april 15, 2021. Maskinen kan prale af hastigheder på op til 2.4 gigahash i sekundet (GH/s) and Bitmain is

Dvision Network annoncerer Binance Custody som sin depotholder med DVI-token understøttet

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. I endnu en banebrydende præstation, den blockchain-baserede metaverse-platform Dvision Network har netop annonceret sin officielle onboarding på Binance Custody. Som sådan, Binance’s depotafdeling vil støtte ind- og udbetalinger af Dvision’s native token, DVI, på sin platform. Det…

HUMAN Protocol Foundation tildeler bevilling til VeritaTrust for at opbygge on-Chain belønninger for anmeldelser

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. Georgetown, Cayman Islands, Kan 10, 2022 – I dag, HUMAN Protocol has announced that it has awarded a grant to VeritaTrust to power on-chain reviews. Following the announcement of HUMAN Protocol’s centralbank har aktivt testet sin digitale valuta $10 Million funds dedicated to grants, this work with

ARTIC bringer den decentraliserede tilgang til kunstgallerier og udstillinger via sine metaudstillinger

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. ARTIC-teamet består af højtuddannede it-ingeniører, kunstkonsulenter, designere, og diverse andre fagfolk med et gennemsnit på mere end 20 års erfaring inden for deres respektive discipliner. The ARTIC team intends to use blockchain

Dogecoin Foundation siger, at det arbejder med Ethereums Vitalik Buterin på et staking-koncept

According to the Dogecoin Foundation, the organization is working with Vitalik Buterin on constructing proof-of-stake (Kosmos) capabilities for the Dogecoin network. Det “uniquely Doge proposalis aimed at bolstering acommunity stakingversion of the protocol. Dogecoin Foundation Discusses the Project’s centralbank har aktivt testet sin digitale valuta…

Det første af sin slags Metachain-projekt, ShuttleOne tilslutter sig Tezos Protocol

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. ShuttleOne, the latest project to embrace Tezos, to soon drive adoption and liquidity while resolving blockchain fragmentation. Singapore: Tezos, the highly scalable, self-amending proof of stake blockchain protocol is opening its arms to ShuttleOnea one of its

GoCrypto afslører en protokol, der revolutionerer digitale betalinger

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIEN: The GoCrypto project always strives to bring crypto payments into the mainstream. Den opgraderede løsning døbt GoCrypto 2.0 enables true decentralized payments where the merchant can accept virtually any currency and receive the settlement in its desired

Nervos Networks Ben Morris taler om Godwoken, det EVM-kompatible lag 2 Opløsning

The Nervos Network is an open Blockchain platform for innovators to build applications that are decentralized, autonomous and universally accessible. They want to create an all-encompassing architecture that allows dApp developers to build once and reach all of these users, everywhere