Bitcoin, Ethereum teknisk analyse: ETH forbliver tæt på 6-ugers lav for at starte weekenden

Following a recent string of declines, ETH continued to hover close to a six-week low to start the weekend. BTC was also lower on Saturday, as the worlds largest cryptocurrency remained closer to a two-month low. Bitcoin BTC was once again

Floridas guvernør Ron DeSantis siger, at staten 'finder ud af måder' til at tillade virksomheder at betale skat i Bitcoin: BØLGER Dråber 17% som NÆR, SOL, og AVAX Tag også tocifrede hits på fredag

BØLGER faldt med lige så meget som 17% i dag’s session, da kryptomarkeder som helhed handlede mest i minus. SOL og NEAR var to bemærkelsesværdige tokens at falde i i dag’s session, with AVAX also falling by double digits today….

Sequoia Capital Partner mener, at masser af VC'er vil trække sig tilbage fra Crypto

Shaun Maguire, en kryptopartner af Sequoia Capital, et af de venturekapitalfirmaer, der er mest aktive, når det kommer til investeringer i kryptovaluta-området, afgav sin udtalelse om fremtiden for mange VC'er, der investerer i krypto. Til ham, many of

Verdensbanken forudsiger 3% Guldprisvækst, Ekspert siger, at en $3K pr. Ounce 'er mere sandsynligt end ikke'

The World Bank has said it expects the price of gold to rise by 3% i 2022 but warned the price might fall sharply if the Russian central bank decides to offload large quantities of the commodity. The Russian Factor After

Bank of Spain-rapport advarer om brug af kryptovaluta og dens indvirkning på finansiel stabilitet

The Bank of Spain has issued a new report that touches on the subject of the popularity of cryptocurrency usage and the possible effects it might have on the financial stability of the nation. In the document, the bank explains that

Mens globale markeder bliver skræmt af Covid og en Hawkish Fed, Aktier og krypto-rebound efter Musk-køb på Twitter

Wall Street led mandag morgen, da det store U.S. aktieindeks faldt yderligere, bygger på tab indsamlet i sidste uge. Rapporter tyder på, at investorer er bekymrede over de kommende renteforhøjelser fra Federal Reserve og Kina’s nylige Covid-19 udbrud. As equities floundered on

Førende østeuropæiske børs Exmo sælger virksomhed i Rusland, Hviderusland

Exmo, a U.K.-based crypto exchange with extensive presence in Eastern Europe, is pulling out of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The trading platform,, says its making the move to avoid jeopardizing its expansion in other regions by operating in high-risk markets

Kryptovirksomheder spørger 27 EU's finansministre skal løsne oplysningskravene

Forty-six European crypto businesses and organizations have asked finance ministers in 27 European countries to loosen some regulatory requirements for the crypto industry. For eksempel, they asked for decentralized finance (defi) projects to be excluded from the requirements to register as

Dogedag før og nu: Lackluster Buzz som Dogecoins pris er 65% Lavere end sidste år

Mens april 20 eller 420 er synonymt med cannabiskultur, dagen overvejes også “Dogedagen,” af et stort antal dogecoin-tilhængere. Dagen før på Twitter, Dogenetværket’s medstifter Billy Markus spurgte, hvad folk skulle forvente af…

Argentinsk værdipapirtilsynsmyndighed lancerer Innovation Hub for at diskutere regulerede kryptoinvesteringer

The National Securities Commission (CNV), which is the Argentinian securities watchdog, recently launched an innovation hub with the goal of advancing conversations about cryptocurrency and fintech investments. This organization will serve as a link between private entities and the institution, til…