Vladimir Putin siger, at Rusland har afskrevet de afrikanske landes gæld, der er samlet over $20 Milliard ind 2022

African countriesdebts totaling more than $20 billion were written off in the past year, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on March 20. Putin also revealed that trade between Russia and Africa had nearly reached $18 billion by the end of

Rapport: BRICS-lande, der får besked på at overveje at imødegå dollarens globale hegemoni

Kinesiske eksperter har opfordret ledere af BRICS (Brasilien, Rusland, Indien, Kina og Sydafrika) lande til at overveje at imødegå dollaren, hvis globale hegemoni menes at være misbrug. Stadig, the experts concede that any attempt to diminish the dollars dominance

Verdensbanken forudsiger 3% Guldprisvækst, Ekspert siger, at en $3K pr. Ounce 'er mere sandsynligt end ikke'

The World Bank has said it expects the price of gold to rise by 3% i 2022 but warned the price might fall sharply if the Russian central bank decides to offload large quantities of the commodity. The Russian Factor After

Coinbase sortlister over 25,000 Krypto-adresser knyttet til russiske enkeltpersoner og enheder

Kryptovalutabørsen Coinbase har henvendt sig til virksomheden’s procedurer for at overholde sanktioner i et blogindlæg offentliggjort søndag. Kryptofirmaet siger, at respekt for sanktioner spiller en rolle “afgørende rolle i at fremme den nationale sikkerhed” and the acts can help deter

Japan ser ud til at stoppe sanktionerede russiske enheder fra at overføre kryptoaktiver

As financial authorities around the world continue to target sanctioned Russian entities, regulators in Japan along with the countrys crypto association are attempting to find and close gaps that may be used to circumvent sanctions. The two bodies, imidlertid, have said