Donald Trump advarer om, at amerikansk økonomi står over for 'meget større problem end recession' - 'Vi får en depression'

Former President Donald Trump has warned that the U.S. economy is facinga much bigger problem than recession.Noting that “Vi’ll have a depression,” understregede han: “We have to get this country going, or were going to have a serious problem.”…

Coinbase CEO siger, at almindelige russere bruger krypto som en livline, når rublen kollapser

The CEO of the Nasdaq-listed crypto exchange Coinbase says ordinary Russians are using cryptocurrency as a lifeline now that their own currency, rublen, has collapsed. The executive also does not see a high risk of Russian oligarchs using crypto to

Inflationen i USA kan blive værre end forventet, Goldman Sachs siger — Atlanta Fed-præsident favoriserer 25 BPS rentestigning

Mens konflikten i Ukraine er et varmt emne, frygten for stigende inflation fortsætter med at hjemsøge amerikanere, der bor i landet, som økonomer og analytikere bemærker U.S. inflationen vil sandsynligvis forblive høj. Inflationen vil sandsynligvis blive værre end oprindeligt…

Rapport: Freelancearbejdere i Argentina blandt de mest aktive i LATAM, der modtager en del af lønsedlen i Crypto

A recent report states that freelancing is experiencing a boom in Argentina, and also comments on how Argentinians are among workers in the region that most actively use cryptocurrencies to receive part of their paycheck. The report further states that workers

Ukraines centralbank begrænser kontanthævninger midt i russisk overfald

The central bank of Ukraine has capped withdrawals of cash in national fiat and banned those in foreign currency. The monetary authority says the measures aim to ensure the functioning of the nations financial system under the martial law introduced in

Kryptobrugere og -udvekslinger skal nu rapportere transaktioner i Colombia

The Colombian government has issued new regulations that force exchanges and individuals to report cryptocurrency transactions to the UIAF, the anti-money laundering watchdog in Colombia. The transactions must be reported via an online reporting system, and exchanges will be required to

2 Spejlet, Copycat Bored Ape NFT-projekter forårsager uenighed om krænkelse af ophavsret

In the midst of the hype surrounding the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) ikke-fungibel token (NFT) samlerobjekter, two NFT projects have appeared offering near-identical or mirrored versions of the original BAYC NFTs. The NFT marketplace Opensea has removed the NFT projects

'Inflation i nyhederne drevet af rige mennesker' - Medieforstandere hævder 'inflation er god', da amerikanere kæmper med mindre købekraft

Inflationen i USA. har et stort antal amerikanere bekymret sig om fremtiden for deres købekraft, da prisen på varer og tjenesteydelser er blevet ved med at stige hurtigere hver måned. Rapporter bemærker, at amerikanerne kæmper for at betale for…

New Yorks nyvalgte borgmester Eric Adams vil tage først 3 Lønchecks i Bitcoin, Lover at gøre NYC Center of Crypto

New York City Mayor-elect Eric Adams says that he will take his first three paychecks in bitcoin. He has also promised to make NYC the center of crypto. “NYC its going to be the center of the cryptocurrency industry and other

Bitwage stiger $1.5 Million i seneste finansieringsrunde

Bitwage, det pioner kryptovaluta-baserede løn- og faktureringsfirma, har rejst $1.5 million i sin seneste finansieringsrunde. Finansieringsrunden havde deltagelse fra Draper Associates og Max Keizer’s Heisenberg Capital, ved hjælp af Bnktothefuture, en platform designet til at foretage online investeringer. Bitwage will