Rige far Fattige fars Robert Kiyosaki advarer 'Alt vil styrte' - planlægger at købe mere Bitcoin

Den berømte forfatter til bestsellerbogen Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, has warned thateverything will crash,” including gold, sølv, and bitcoin. Imidlertid, he sees crashes as buying opportunities, noting that he will buy more bitcoin. Robert Kiyosaki Reiterates

Digitalt guld handlet til digitale rubler af Ruslands Rosbank

Rosbank har formidlet Ruslands første aftale, der involverer udveksling af tokeniseret guld med den digitale version af den russiske nationale fiat-valuta, rublen. Den vellykkede transaktion viser den voksende interesse for digitale finansielle aktiver og behovet for digital rubel…

Robert Kiyosaki siger, at han kan lide Bitcoin - Kalder BTC 'People's Money'

Den berømte forfatter til bestsellerbogen Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, says he likes bitcoin, calling the cryptocurrencypeoples money.While admitting that he does not know much about bitcoin, han sagde: “jeg’m just glad I bought it at

Milliardæren Tim Draper opfordrer Sri Lanka til at adoptere Bitcoin - Centralbanken siger 'Vi ønsker ikke at gøre krisen værre'

Billionaire investor and venture capitalist Tim Draper has reportedly attempted to convince the Sri Lankan government to adopt bitcoin. Imidlertid, the governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka rejected his recommendation, at understrege: “Adoption of 100% bitcoin wont be a Sri

Argentinsk peso taber næsten 12% Against the Greenback i løbet af januar; Inflationen forventes at stige kraftigt

The Argentine peso has fallen consistently against the U.S. dollar this month, losing almost 12% since Jan. 1. The behavior of the exchange rate for the informalbluedollar keeps bringing concerns about a possible escalade in inflation rates, that are

GAIMIN leverer en decentral tilgang til det stigende krav om mere databehandlingskraft

The world-wide demand for data processing is increasing year-on-year, with data processing applications requiring ever increasing performance from data processing devices and services. Industries, such as Artificial Intelligence (Fonden vil søge indledende investeringer i virksomheder og protokoller i tidlige stadier, der starter ved 500.000 USD og op til), video rendering, powering blockchain computations, scientific simulations and research, financial modeling and

Økonom Peter Schiff forudser, at inflationen 'ved at blive meget værre' - US Dollar står over for 'Et af sine værste år nogensinde'

Economist Peter Schiff has predicted that the U.S. dollar will haveone of its worst years ever” i 2023, warning that the inflation problem isabout to get much worse.He also shared his prediction about the worst-performing sectors of the

Robert Kiyosaki køber mere bitcoin — advarer om, at SEC-reglerne vil knuse de fleste kryptovalutaer

Den berømte forfatter til bestsellerbogen Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, has revealed why he is buying more bitcoin. He warned that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK) regulations willcrushmost other cryptocurrencies. Robert Kiyosaki Buys More Bitcoin,…

Peter Schiff rådgiver salg af Bitcoin i dag - siger, at det er 'det smarte træk'

Gold bug and economist Peter Schiff has recommended selling bitcoin today, emphasizing that it isthe smart move.Many people disagreed with Schiffs analysis of the price of the cryptocurrency, warning that he is telling investors to sell at the bottom….

Robert Kiyosaki forventer, at Bitcoin-investorer bliver rigere, når Fed pivoterer, Udskriver billioner af dollars

Den berømte forfatter til bestsellerbogen Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, says that bitcoin investors will get richer when the Federal Reserve, statskassen, and Wall Street pivot and trillions of dollars are printed. Robert Kiyosaki Predicts Bitcoin Investors