Robert Kiyosaki køber mere bitcoin — advarer om, at SEC-reglerne vil knuse de fleste kryptovalutaer

Den berømte forfatter til bestsellerbogen Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, has revealed why he is buying more bitcoin. He warned that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK) regulations willcrushmost other cryptocurrencies. Robert Kiyosaki Buys More Bitcoin,…

Robert Kiyosaki forventer, at Bitcoin-investorer bliver rigere, når Fed pivoterer, Udskriver billioner af dollars

Den berømte forfatter til bestsellerbogen Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, says that bitcoin investors will get richer when the Federal Reserve, statskassen, and Wall Street pivot and trillions of dollars are printed. Robert Kiyosaki Predicts Bitcoin Investors

Robert Kiyosaki: Jeg er stadig bullish på Bitcoin - Crypto kan ikke bebrejdes for FTX-kollaps

Den berømte forfatter til bestsellerbogen Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, is still bullish on bitcoin despite the collapse of crypto exchange FTX. He stressed that the cryptocurrency cannot be blamed for the actions of former FTX CEO Sam

Rig far Fattig fars Robert Kiyosaki advarer om, at inflation kan føre til større depression

Den berømte forfatter til bestsellerbogen Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, has warned that the current inflation may lead to aGreater Depression.He added that real estate is crashing and foreclosures are up 700% from last year. Robert