Bitcoins 'grundlæggende værdi er ikke i overensstemmelse med markedsprisen' - Crypto Miner

Profitable bitcoin mining is essentially a result of an efficient and highly skilled team of professionals that can maintain runtime, a founder of a Bitcoin mining company has asserted. Derfor, even when the price is hovering around $20,000, a bitcoin miner

Venezuela satser på de-dollarisering, efter at udenlandsk valuta og kryptoskat er påført

The government of Venezuela is now focusing its action on trying to establish the bolivar as the go-to currency for purchases in the country. According to several economists, this might be a risky bet in a country that has just exited

IMF advarer om, at igangværende krig i Europa vil have en "alvorlig indvirkning på den globale økonomi"

I en rapport offentliggjort lørdag, Den Internationale Valutafond (IMF) har advaret om, at en igangværende krig i Europa og tilhørende sanktioner vil have en “alvorlige konsekvenser for den globale økonomi.” IMF’s rapport siger, at der er “ekstraordinær usikkerhed” i…

Israels Bank: Vedtagelse af CBDC vil ikke påvirke banksystemet væsentligt

Israel’s centralbank siger offentligheden’s vedtagelse af den digitale shekel forventes ikke “at påvirke banksystemet væsentligt.” Banken, imidlertid, warns that any issuance of such digital currency will likely result in a decline of the volume of

Rusland vedtager lov, der tillader staten at beslaglægge ulovlige midler, Digitale aktiver fra embedsmænd

The State Duma of Russia, parlamentets underhus, has passed a law permitting law enforcement authorities to seek confiscation of illegally obtained funds from government officials, including cryptocurrency. The state may attempt to seize the assets through court if

Den russiske regering tillader regioner at hæve elpriserne for kryptominearbejdere

The federal government in Moscow has permitted regions to determine local electricity tariffs for the population, a measure that will affect crypto mining at homes. Subsidized household electricity in Russia is often used to mint digital currencies in basements and garages….

Kenyansk forretningsmand anklaget for at have bedraget investorer for mere end $140 Million

Businessman and owner of a Kenyan football club, Ricardo Badoer, has been accused of fleecing more than $140 million from investors via his Aidos Kuneen cryptocurrency. Threats Against Investors According to a local report, Kenyan businessman Ricardo Badoer is being accused

De tre store kreditbureauer kritiserer El Salvadors Bitcoin-adoption - S&P Global advarer om 'umiddelbare negative konsekvenser'

All of theBig Threecredit agencies have said that El Salvadors adoption of bitcoin could affect the countrys credit rating in a negative manner. After both Moodys and Fitch Ratings published reports on the matter in El Salvador, S&P Global…