FTX og Alameda Research kollapser trist begivenhed, men 'godt på lang sigt' siger DWF Labs Managing Partner

While the collapse of the crypto exchange FTX and its affiliate Alameda Research is thought to have left many crypto players, including market makers, in the worst possible position, according to Andrei Grachev, managing partner at DWF Labs, this incident may

Litecoin skal gennemgå blokbelønningshalvering på lidt over 200 Dage, Først blandt store PoW-kryptovalutaer

In roughly 202 dage, the cryptocurrency network Litecoin (LTC) will experience a block reward halving on or around Aug. 3, 2023. Litecoin will be the first major proof-of-work (PoW) blockchain to see a reward reduction before Bitcoins upcoming halving, som er…

USA med det højeste antal lukkede Bitcoin-hæveautomater i negativt vækstår

The number of ATMs supporting digital currencies has fallen around the world over the course of a turbulent year for the whole industry. According to a new report, the United States has lost more machines offering crypto teller services than any

BTC, ETH, DER ER, BNB rangerede som de mest sete kryptoaktiver i 2022

I dag’s top ten crypto assets make up a large portion of the crypto economys current $797.95 billion value on Dec. 29, 2022, and many of them are some of the most popular digital currencies today. While coin market capitalization aggregation sites

Floridas guvernør Ron DeSantis siger, at staten 'finder ud af måder' til at tillade virksomheder at betale skat i Bitcoin: ETC bevæger sig væk fra multi-måneders lavpunkt, som XMR forlænger seneste gevinster

Ethereum classic rallied for a second straight session on Wednesday, following better-than-expected U.S. consumer confidence data. The figures showed that confidence among American consumers rose to the highest level in eight months, with a reading of 108.3. Monero was also higher

Nigeria annoncerer nye restriktioner for udbetaling af kontanter - pengeautomater begrænset til mindre end $44 Per dag

In a new directive to financial institutions, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) said individuals can now only withdraw an equivalent of just under $222 per week while corporates can only withdraw cash not exceeding $1,111 during the same period. Det…

Binance erhverver licenseret japansk kryptobørs — forbereder sig på at gå ind i Japan som reguleret enhed

Cryptocurrency exchange Binance has acquired a regulated Japanese cryptocurrency exchange and is now preparing to enter the Japanese crypto market as a regulated entity. “The Japanese market will play a key role in the future of cryptocurrency adoption,” said the general

Et dusin digitale aktiver registrerer tocifrede gevinster, da kryptomarkeder begynder at hele efter FTX's kollaps

At the time of writing the global cryptocurrency market capitalization is hovering around $842 billion on Sunday, Nov. 27, 2022. Bitcoin prices consolidated since the start of the week, as seven-day stats indicate the price of bitcoin has dropped by 0.02%

Binance lancerer milliard-dollar Crypto Industry Recovery Fund for at genoprette tilliden efter FTX-nedsmeltning

Binance har forpligtet sig $1 milliarder til et genopretningsinitiativ for kryptoindustrien for at genoprette tilliden efter sammenbruddet af kryptobørsen FTX. Flere andre kryptovirksomheder har tilsluttet sig Binances indsats og forpligtet kapital til inddrivelsesfonden. Crypto Industry Recovery Initiative lanceret…

Krakens Jesse Powell tager sigte på nyligt lancerede proof-of-reserve-lister, POR-revision 'kræver kryptografisk bevis'

World Cup Crypto.com, amid the many conversations concerning crypto exchange proof-of-reserves, Kraken executive Jesse Powell shared a screenshot of coinmarketcap.com’s newly launched proof-of-reserves (POR) dashboard. Powell said he planned to be “more assertive with calling out problems,” and he stressed that a