Near Protocol understøtter Tether USDT, Stablecoin er nu hostet på 14 Blockchain netværk

På mandag, the stablecoin issuer Tether Operations Limited announced that the stablecoin tether is now supported by the Near blockchain network. Following a number of recent implementations, Near will be the 14th blockchain network that hosts the largest stablecoin by market

SEC-afgifter 11 Folk i $300 Million Forsage Crypto Pyramid og Ponzi Scheme

USA. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK) har sigtet fire stiftere og syv initiativtagere af Forsage, som den beskrev som “en svigagtig kryptopyramide og Ponzi-skema.” Ordningen rejste angiveligt mere end $300 millioner fra millioner af detailinvestorer verden over,…

Kenyanske centralbank beordrer finansielle institutioner til at stoppe med at handle med to nigerianske fintechs

I et brev til de administrerende direktører for finansielle institutioner, centralbanken i Kenya (CBK) har sagt, at finansielle institutioner, der opererer i landet, skal ophøre med og afstå fra at handle med to nigerianske fintechs, Flutterwave og Chipper Cash. The letter reiterates

Brugere på sociale medier håner Kinas rapporterede brug af militærtanke til at intimidere protesterende bankkunder

Brugere af sociale medier har kritiseret Kina’s rapporterede brug af militære kampvogne til at skræmme bankkunder, der protesterede mod indefrysning af deres opsparing. Nogle brugere hævdede, at indsættelsen af ​​militære kampvogne afslører landet’s underliggende økonomiske problemer. Crypto proponents see the issue

Den britiske hærs sociale mediekonti hacket for at fremme Bitcoin Giveaways, Krypto-svindel

The British Armys official Youtube and Twitter accounts were compromised Sunday and hackers used them to promote crypto, including bitcoin and ether giveaway scams featuring Tesla CEO Elon Musk. British Armys Social Media Accounts Used to Promote Bitcoin, Crypto, NFT Scams

SEC lancerer Game-Show-kampagne for at uddanne investorer på 'en legende måde' - Krypto inkluderet

USA. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK) has launched a game-show campaign to help investors make informed decisionsin a playful way.One of the contestants in the game show chose to listen to a celebrity and invest in crypto. SEK…

Lovforslag om NFT'er indsendt til det russiske parlament

Lawmakers have filed a bill with the State Duma aimed at introducing the term NFTs to Russian legislation. The authors of the draft say the rights of those who own non-fungible tokens need to be protected as Russians are currently dealing

Dommer afviser retssag mod Binance for angiveligt salg af uregistrerede kryptoværdipapirer

A lawsuit against Binance accusing the cryptocurrency exchange of selling unregistered crypto securities has been dismissed. The plaintiffs listed nine cryptocurrencies in the lawsuit. Binance’s Lawsuit Dismissed U.S. District Judge Andrew Carter dismissed a lawsuit against cryptocurrency exchange Binance Thursday. Det…

Floridas guvernør Ron DeSantis siger, at staten 'finder ud af måder' til at tillade virksomheder at betale skat i Bitcoin

Carl Icahn krypto, Carl Icahn krypto, Carl Icahn krypto. Carl Icahn krypto “Carl Icahn krypto” Carl Icahn krypto “Carl Icahn krypto” og “Carl Icahn krypto” Billionaire Carl Icahn Predicts

Floridas guvernør Ron DeSantis siger, at staten 'finder ud af måder' til at tillade virksomheder at betale skat i Bitcoin: Floridas guvernør Ron DeSantis siger, at staten 'finder ud af måder' til at tillade virksomheder at betale skat i Bitcoin

World Cup (World Cup World Cup World Cup “World Cup” World Cup ECB President Lagarde Is Certain About Crypto Being Used to Evade Russian Sanctions