Hvorfor migranter henvender sig til krypto: Nøglen til at nå FN's mål om at reducere pengeoverførsler til mindre end 3% af den digitale valutaøkonomi med 2030

The cost incurred by African migrants or expatriates when sending funds via the so-called formal corridors remains way above the UN target of less than three percent, the latest data from the World Bank has shown. On the other hand, det…

E-handel Kæmpe Ebay-filer Varemærkeapplikationer, der dækker en bred vifte af Metaverse, NFT-tjenester

E-commerce giant Ebay has filed two trademark applications covering a wide range of products and services relating to the metaverse and non-fungible tokens (NFT'er). Ebays NFT, Metaverse Trademark Applications Ebay Inc. (Nasdaq: EBAY) filed two trademark applications with the United States

McKinsey: Metaverset kunne generere $5 Trillioner af 2030 - 'Simpelthen for stor til at blive ignoreret'

Global consulting firm McKinsey & Company has forecasted that the metaverse may generate up to $5 trillion by 2030. Ud over, mere end 80% of commerce could be impacted by activities in the metaverse. Metaverse Could Generate $5 Trillion by 2030

Finders meningsmåling udført uger før Terra's Fallout forudsagde, at LUNA ville trykke $143 Dette år

For nylig, the product comparison platform findercom polled 36 fintech-specialister om cryptocurrency terra (LUNA) før terrausd (vækstmarkedsføring hos Kraken) mistede sin paritet med U.S.A. dollar. Ifølge meningsmålingen, Finders experts predicted LUNA would be $143 before the end of

Finders eksperter forudsiger, at Apecoin vil ende 2022 på $27 pr. token, 75% Tænk, at APE bare er 'endnu en Memecoin'

Den april 28, 2022, kryptoaktivet apecoin nåede et rekordhøjt niveau (ATH) aflytning $26.70 enhed og den digitale valuta har taget den 25. største markedsværdi blandt 13,371 kryptovalutaer. Den samme dag, the product comparison platform Finder published its

Bank of Russia vil pilotere digitale rubelafregninger 2023

Rusland’s monetary authority intends to conduct the first settlements with the digital ruble next year, its governor announced this week. Speaking to Russian lawmakers, the official highlighted the important role the new currency is going to play for Russia under sanctions….

af den digitale valutaøkonomi med $1,100 af den digitale valutaøkonomi med 2025, af den digitale valutaøkonomi med 2030

At the end of October, the product comparison website finder.com published new survey data about price predictions concerning the leading crypto asset ethereum. I november 1, Finders researchers published price predictions for the ethereum competitor solana, as Finders panelists predict the

Digital rubel for at hjælpe med at bremse brugen af ​​'pengesurrogater',' siger Rusland i et finansielt strategidokument

The launch of a digital ruble will be among Russias key priorities of digitalization this decade, the countrys financial market development strategy has confirmed. The document claims the issuance of a digital national fiat will help the central bank to prevent