HistoryDAOs mission om at tage historien fra sejrherrerne og give den til masserne

Humans have sought to preserve memories since prehistoric times, etching images into cave walls and tying knots into a crudely fashioned cord. Tribes and clans gave birth to language that could preserve the past in words, and words found their way

Coinbase sortlister over 25,000 Krypto-adresser knyttet til russiske enkeltpersoner og enheder

Kryptovalutabørsen Coinbase har henvendt sig til virksomheden’s procedurer for at overholde sanktioner i et blogindlæg offentliggjort søndag. Kryptofirmaet siger, at respekt for sanktioner spiller en rolle “afgørende rolle i at fremme den nationale sikkerhed” and the acts can help deter

$7.5 Million NFT-samling anklaget for at bruge kunst uden tilladelse truet af juridisk handling

While non-fungible token (NFT) assets have been extremely popular in 2021, der’s been a slew of issues tied to the ecosystem as well. A recent report indicates that roughly a dozen artists are considering taking legal action against an NFT collection