Glem ikke vigtigheden af ​​censurmodstand

Since people are once again talking about self-custody as one of cryptos unique strengths, I would like to remind everyone about an equally important fundamental value proposition of crypto that, in the early days, was touted as the killer feature. jeg’m

Ethereums omdrejningspunkt til Proof-of-Stake-konsensus bekymrer brugere om muligheden for censur på protokolniveau

Den kommende konsensus ændrer denne Ethereum, den næststørste kryptovaluta efter markedsværdi, planlægger at udføre i september har bekymret mange brugere om muligheden for censur på protokolniveau. Det betyder at, even by interacting directly with

Wasabi Wallet begynder at censurere Coinjoin-transaktioner

Wasabi Wallet, a privacy-oriented bitcoin-only wallet, has announced it will start introducing censorship methods into its mixing procedures. The announcement was made on social media, where the official account of Wasabi explained that a blacklist will prevent some UTXOs (unspent transaction

Kina censurerer korte videoer med kryptotema, der deles online

En brancheorganisation kontrolleret af den kinesiske regering har opdateret en liste over emner, som brugere af videodelingsapps bør undgå. Krypto-relateret indhold er nu blandt posterne sammen med traditionelle tabuer i Kina som at håne dets lederskab, provokerende sekterisme, and showing

$7.5 Million NFT-samling anklaget for at bruge kunst uden tilladelse truet af juridisk handling

While non-fungible token (NFT) assets have been extremely popular in 2021, der’s been a slew of issues tied to the ecosystem as well. A recent report indicates that roughly a dozen artists are considering taking legal action against an NFT collection

af den digitale valutaøkonomi med, af den digitale valutaøkonomi med

While non-fungibe token (NFT) collectibles have been very popular, NFTs have brought a slew of unique debates to the table and one of them has been censorship. The artist behind Stonetoss Comics, a series of political cartoons, has been censored by