Cashtokens kommer i centrum efter Bitcoin Cash-opgradering: Over 26,000 Tokens oprettet

Following the recent Bitcoin Cash upgrade on Monday, data reveals that approximately 1,308 fungible tokens and 25,336 og Messari (NFT'er) have emerged on the blockchain. i øvrigt, the Cashtokens token ecosystem is now accessible through the blockchain explorers and, allowing

Filoverførselsgiganten Wetransfer slutter sig til NFT-industrien, Partner med Blockchain Platform Minima til marts-lancering af prægningsprodukt

File transfer service giant Wetransfer announced Monday it is collaborating with blockchain platform Minima to offer a non-fungible token (NFT) minting product in March. Wetransfer’s announcement details that users leveraging the Minima cooperative will be able to mint NFTs from a

Quik․com udgiver opdatering til sine NFT-domæner – Web3-domæner udmøntes nu

The much-anticipated major update to has now been made available to users, bringing them brand-new capabilities like the edit feature and the Quik API, along with more that are scheduled for the upcoming weeks and months. is a P2P

US Treasury søger offentlige kommentarer om krypto-relaterede ulovlige finanser og nationale sikkerhedsrisici

USA. Finansministeriet søger offentligt input vedr “digitale aktiver-relaterede ulovlige finanser og nationale sikkerhedsrisici.” Afdelingen advarede: “Den voksende brug af digitale aktiver i finansiel aktivitet øger risikoen for kriminalitet såsom hvidvaskning af penge, terror og spredning…

Ripple for at deltage i Digital Dollar Projects CBDC Sandbox Program

Den non-profit organisation, der fremmer skabelsen af ​​den digitale dollar, det digitale dollarprojekt, har annonceret lanceringen af ​​et sandkasseprogram for at kickstarte undersøgelsen af ​​de tekniske implementeringer af den påtænkte digitale valuta. The fintech firm Ripple is among

Uganda påstande efterforskningsundersøgelser opdaget 31 Millioner tons guld

While gold is often considered a scarce asset, Uganda explained on Wednesday that recently conducted exploration surveys indicate that theres roughly 31 million metric tons of gold ore waiting to be mined in the region. i øvrigt, a spokesperson from Ugandas Ministry

Heroes of Arcan annoncerer fællesskabsdrevet heroisk fantasy-spil for at tjene penge

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. Heroes of Arcan aims to create a play-to-earn game that offers players engaging, challenging peer-to-peer strategic gameplay backed by ethical, carbon-neutral blockchain technology. The play-to-earn revolution has catalyzed global change in blockchain and cryptocurrency markets, med over 750,000 individual

Strategi- og rumspillere får deres eget spil for at tjene metaverse fuld af seje NFT'er - DEEPSPACE (DPS) Alpha anmeldelse

Space, the final frontier. The long and exciting journey through vast, dark, deep space with a fleet of your own. The release of the alpha version of the play-to-earn metaverse game DEEPSPACE (DPS) opens up a brand new chapter of the

Højt forventede Bitcoin-opgradering Taproot aktiveres — Taproot Script-forbrug set i naturen

Bitcoin advocates are celebrating the successful implementation of the Taproot upgrade after block height 709,632. The upgrade was highly anticipated as it was one of the biggest changes since the introduction of Segregated Witness (Segwit) i 2017. After the upgrade was

Gaming-giganten Ubisoft nævner Blockchain i den seneste indtjeningsrapport

Ubisoft, et af de største spilselskaber i underholdningsverdenen, nævnte blockchain som et af de vigtigste fokuspunkter for brandets fremtid. Virksomheden sagde, at det udforsker blockchain som en innovativ teknologi, der skal inkluderes…