Alchemy Pay: Bygge bro mellem Fiats og kryptovalutaernes globale økonomier

On April 20th, The European Parliament approved the first comprehensive crypto regulation EU-wide, the Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA). In the same day, a separate law, the Transfer of Funds regulation, was passed, requiring crypto operators to confirm the identity of their

Financial Giant Fidelity filer varemærker for Crypto, NFT, og Metaverse-produkter

Fidelity-investeringer, a major financial services firm with $10 trillion in assets under administration, has filed several trademark applications for a wide range of cryptocurrency, ikke-fungibel token (NFT), and metaverse products and services. Fidelity’s Crypto and Metaverse Trademark Applications Fidelity Investments

Den amerikanske regering forsinker regler for indberetning af skat for kryptovalutamæglere

Håndhævelsen af ​​et krav om, at mæglere skal rapportere gevinster opnået af kryptoinvestorer, er blevet udskudt af U.S.A.. Treasury Department og IRS. De nye skatteregler, indarbejdet i $1 billioner infrastrukturlov vedtaget af U.S.A. Kongres…

Glem ikke vigtigheden af ​​censurmodstand

Since people are once again talking about self-custody as one of cryptos unique strengths, I would like to remind everyone about an equally important fundamental value proposition of crypto that, in the early days, was touted as the killer feature. jeg’m

Førende europæiske dækfornyer Vaculug til at acceptere kryptobetalinger

Vaculug, en britisk virksomhed, der brander sig som Europa’s største uafhængige dæk regummierer, vil nu acceptere kryptovalutaer for sine produkter og tjenester. Its management says the business must move with the times and offer customers more options than pounds and pence….

Charles Schwabs $655B Asset Management Arm til at begynde at handle med krypto-relateret ETF i denne uge

Charles Schwab’s centralbank har aktivt testet sin digitale valuta $655 milliard asset management arm lancerer sin første krypto-relaterede børshandlede fond (ETF). Den nye fond forventes at begynde at handle på NYSE Arca-børsen i denne uge. Charles Schwab lancerer sin første krypto-relaterede ETF Schwab Asset Management, og Messari…

Picpay tilbyder kryptovalutatjenester i Brasilien til mere end 60 Million kunder

Picpay, one of the most popular payments fintech companies in Brazil, has announced that it will start including cryptocurrency services in its app. The company explained that these services will include the possibility of purchasing crypto and processing payments with crypto

Deloitte undersøgelse: 85% af handlende siger, at aktivering af kryptobetalinger har høj prioritet

A survey conducted by Deloitte in collaboration with PayPal found that over 85% of merchantsare giving high or very high priority to enabling cryptocurrency payments.” Ud over, “nearly three-quarters of those surveyed reported plans to accept either cryptocurrency or stablecoin

Paypal opgraderer kryptotjenesten - lader nu brugere overføre kryptovalutaer til andre tegnebøger, Udvekslinger

Paypal has begun letting users transfer cryptocurrencies between its platform and other wallets and exchanges. “This feature has been consistently ranked by users as one of the most requested enhancements since we began offering the purchase of crypto on our platform,”…