Decentraliserat utlåningsprotokoll Adalend Notering på: ADAPad, BSCPad, ETHPad, VelasPad, PulsePad Launchpads

While cryptocurrency and blockchain technology is still relatively new, they have been rapidly growing, with companies taking advantage of this new, innovative, and disruptive technology that is reshaping many industries, namely the financial sector. The lending industry is currently a multi-billion

Ertha Metaverse säljer Rom NFT för rekord 120 000 USD

Ertha Metaverse looks unstoppable on its path to becoming the industrys top metaverse. The project is already recognized as having one of the most searched-for tokens in GameFi and at the time of writing, holds a fully diluted market cap in

Politisk serietecknare anklagar NFT-plattformar Opensea, Rarible av att vara "verktyg för politisk censur"

While non-fungibe token (NFT) collectibles have been very popular, NFTs have brought a slew of unique debates to the table and one of them has been censorship. The artist behind Stonetoss Comics, a series of political cartoons, has been censored by

DRepublic lanserar kombinerbar NFT-plattform, "MetaCore" med EIP-3664

PRESSMEDDELANDE. Blockchain company DRepublic has announced the launch of their innovative combinable NFT platform MetaCore, and NFT product Legoot, using the new EIP-3664 Modularity. Blockchain MMORPG gameCradles: Origin Of Speciescreators DRepublic have now developed the first-ever combinable NFT