Bitcoin Mining Operation Genesis Digital Assets tillkännager nytt datacenter i västra Texas

Following a number of ASIC mining rig acquisitions from the manufacturer Canaan, the bitcoin mining operation Genesis Digital Assets announced on Monday that the firm is developing an industrial-scale bitcoin mining data center in West Texas. According to the announcement, Genesis

Defi tappar koll på sin kärnvision eftersom den gradvis liknar själva idén som den strävade efter att förändra

As defi continues to expand, it risks embracing the very ideology it initially sought to reject as the primary beneficiaries of this new financing paradigm are those who already own digital assets. Replacing Intermediaries Doesnt Directly Improve Finance When it comes

Consensys siktar på $3 Miljardvärdering i kommande finansieringsrunda

Consensys, the Ethereum-based software boutique, is aiming to get a valuation that could reach $3 billion dollars in its upcoming funding round. The company would be taking advantage of the bullish climate the industry is experiencing right now to achieve this

Uppstartshöjningar $2 Miljoner till banbrytande användning av kryptovaluta i frankofon Afrika

A Cameroonian fintech start-up, Ejara, har höjt $2 million to pioneer the usage of crypto and investment services in French-speaking African countries. Coinshares Ventures and Anthemis Group led the funding round in which they were joined by Mercy Corps Ventures, Lateral

Solana-driven Defi Platform Orca Raises $18 Miljoner — AMM-kommandon över $300 Miljoner TVL

The decentralized exchange (dex) platform Orca has announced the platform has raised $18 million in a Series A financing round with Polychain, Placeholder, and Three Arrows co-leading the funding. The dex platform is a Solana-based project that aims to be the