Bitcoin-dominansen ökar, ETH:s marknadsandelsbilder, Stablecoin och Smart Contract Coins stiger

På onsdag, the crypto economy of 12,620 coins across 543 exchanges is hovering just above the $2 trillion mark. Ever since the crypto economys market slump, bitcoin’s market dominance among all the coins in existence has slowly risen from 37% zon…

Ner från topparna: En titt på hur långt kryptotillgångar har glidit från sina rekord genom tiderna

Digital currencies had a phenomenal year, and a great deal of the crypto assets in existence reached all-time high (ATH) prices against the worlds fiat currencies. i alla fall, the same digital currencies that tapped ATHs last year are currently down a great

Bitcoin faller under $44K, Kryptoekonomin sjunker 4.5%, Handlare rusar till Stablecoins

Priset på bitcoin sjönk under $44K-zonen på onsdagen till $43,678 per enhet då hela kryptoekonomin har tappat miljarder i värde. I skrivande stund, den totala kryptoekonomin är nere 4.5% eftersom det sjönk till $2,25…

2021s Digital Asset Shuffle: En myriad av kryptobörsvärden flyttade kaotiskt i år

2021 has been a bullish year for crypto assets. While prices have risen a great deal, the top ten and top twenty rankings in terms of market capitalization have also changed significantly. A great number of coins have either been pushed

Värde låst i Defi fortsätter att glida, ETH Defi dominerar av 65%, Solana Transactions Reign

The total value locked (TVL) in decentralized finance has slid 15.63% since the metrics all-time high of $275 billion sixteen days ago on December 1. Since the end of the first week of December, TVL är nere 7.19% lower with

Fantom lanserar NFT Marketplace Artion – Plattformen syftar till att "avlasta skaparna av höga avgifter"

I september 24, 2021, the Fantom Foundation announced the launch of a new non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace that aims to compete with the myriad of NFT markets out there today. The market dubbed Artion is an NFT marketplace built on the