NFT Collection Veefriends Physical Collectibles debuterar på Macy's och Toys'R'Us

Nyligen, icke-fungibla tokens (NFTs) and their physical counterparts have started to debut at well known retail stores and luxury boutiques. I oktober 4, the NFT project called Veefriends revealed that the team is launching its limited edition series of

Kinesiska centralbanken säger att den kommer att prioritera stabiliserande valuta efter att yuan fallit till 14-årigt lågt kontra USD

Moments after the Chinese yuans onshore exchange rate versus the U.S. dollar slumped to 7.2458 per dollar, the Peoples Bank of China responded by stating that it will prioritize stabilizing the currency. Similar to other currencies that have been depreciating against

Sydafrikanska finansjätten Nedbank säkrar en "by" i metaversen

The South African financial services giant, Nedbank, is reported to have acquired a village in the metaverse. The village will be used to showcase African creativity and to create experiences thatgo beyond banking.By securing a virtual property in Ubuntuland,…

Japansk banktungvikt Nomura lanserar kryptofokuserad riskkapitalarm

På onsdag, the Japanese financial holding company and principal member of the Nomura Group, Nomura Holdings, announced the launch of a crypto-focused venture capital unit called Laser Digital Holdings. Nomuras move follows a number of financial giants entering the cryptocurrency industry

ECB väljer Amazon och 4 Andra företag som hjälper till att utveckla den digitala euron

The European Central Bank (ECB) has selected five companies to help develop user interfaces for a digital euro. Each company will work with the ECB and focus on one specific use case of the digital euro. Amazon has been chosen to

ETC, RVN, ERGO Hashrate skjuter i höjden efter sammanslagningen, Stor mängd hashpower väntar på ETHW-gaffel

Ethereum has officially transitioned from a proof-of-work (PoW) network to a proof-of-stake (PoS) system after seven years of operating as a PoW blockchain. The Merge has forced ethereum miners to transition to other PoW-based tokens and after the ruleset change was

Singapore söker detaljerad information från kryptoföretag inför nya regler, Rapport avslöjar

Finansmyndigheter i Singapore tar steg mot ökad tillsyn i kryptorymden med stadsstaten’s centralbank ber enligt uppgift företag att ge ytterligare information om deras verksamhet och tillgångar. Inför en eventuell breddning av gällande regler, de…

Rapportera: Crypto Hardware Wallet Maker Ledger Söker $100 Miljonkapitalanskaffning

The French cryptocurrency hardware wallet manufacturer Ledger is seeking to raise fresh new capital after raising $380 million in June 2021, according to sources familiar with the matter. The hardware wallet company Ledger is reportedly looking to raise at least $100

Bitcoins "grundläggande värde är inte i linje med marknadspriset" - Crypto Miner

Profitable bitcoin mining is essentially a result of an efficient and highly skilled team of professionals that can maintain runtime, a founder of a Bitcoin mining company has asserted. Därför, even when the price is hovering around $20,000, a bitcoin miner