60 Organisationer lanserar kampanj som uppmanar den amerikanska kongressen att skydda integriteten

På onsdag, 60 organisationer som är involverade i kryptovalutor, öppen källkod och fri programvara, och projekt för att bevara mänskliga rättigheter och integritet lanserade en ny kampanj som uppmanar det 118:e U.S.A.. Kongressen för att skydda privatlivet. Grupperna, inklusive Fight for the Future, Electric Coin Co., och…

Darknet Market Solaris hackad av konkurrent, Elliptisk avslöjar

A leading marketplace on the dark web, Solaris, has been hit by a rival, according to crypto analytics company Elliptic. The Russia-linked platform, which tried to occupy space vacated by the busted Hydra, is believed to have conquered up to a

CoinEx: Att anamma en ny kryptoframtid genom att göra kryptohandeln enklare under de kommande fem åren

PRESSMEDDELANDE. I december 2022, CoinEx will celebrate its fifth birthday. Since its inception, the crypto exchange has gone through bulls and bears and attracted over four million users across more than 200 countries and regions worldwide. For both CoinEx and

Drottning Maxima av Nederländerna ser flera fördelar med digital euro

Queen Maxima of the Netherlands has outlined multiple benefits central bank digital currencies (CBDC) could bring, particularly in the area of financial inclusion. “Governments could use a digital euro to channel financial support to low-income households. This would deepen longer-term inclusion,…

Indian Central Bank RBI inleder sin första digitala rupiepilot idag

Indiens centralbank, Indiens reservbank (RBI), is launching its first digital rupee pilot on Nov. 1. with the participation of nine banks. “Settlement in central bank money would reduce transaction costs by pre-empting the need for settlement guarantee

EU förbjuder kryptotjänster för ryssar i nya sanktioner mot Ukrainas upptrappning

An array of crypto-related services have been targeted in the latest round of sanctions on Russia approved by the EU. The measures are part of an expected tightening of the economic and financial restrictions in response to Moscows decision to annex

Vietnams kryptogruvarbetare klagar på förluster från Ethereums sammanslagning

Miners in Vietnam have expressed grievances over the loss of business following Ethereums transition to a consensus mechanism that does not require the energy-intensive computing they were providing. Many are in trouble, rapporterade lokala medier, quoting entrepreneurs and mining enthusiasts. Kryptovaluta…

Rapportera: Financial Services Giant Old Mutual utsedd till chef för South African Stablecoin Projects kontantreserver

One of South Africas largest financial services groups, Old Mutual, has reportedly been appointed manager of the ZARP stablecoin projects cash reserves. Founders of the stablecoin are hopeful that the appointment of one of the countrys oldest financial services companies will

USA beslagtar kryptovaluta värt $30 Miljoner från nordkoreanska hackare

Blockchain data analytics firm Chainalysis has revealed that U.S. authorities have seized cryptocurrency worth $30 million from North Korean hackers. “This marks the first time ever that cryptocurrency stolen by a North Korean hacking group has been seized, och vi’re confident