Sequoia Capital Partner tror att många VC:er kommer att dra sig tillbaka från Crypto

Shaun Maguire, a crypto partner of Sequoia Capital, one of the venture capital firms most active when it comes to investments in the cryptocurrency space, issued its opinion on the future of many VCs investing in crypto. To him, many of

Trons Justin Sun avslöjar decentraliserad algoritmisk Stablecoin USDD

I april 21, Justin Sun, grundaren av Tron, tillkännagav lanseringen av ett decentraliserat algoritmiskt stablecoin kallat USDD. Sun sa på torsdagen att USDD-nätverket kommer “tillhandahålla vårdnadsservice för $10 [miljard] likvida tillgångar…

Cornell professor: Kryptoindustrin kan dra nytta av Bidens verkställande order, Regler ger legitimitet

A Cornell University economics professor says that President Joe Bidens executive order on the regulation of cryptocurrency could benefit the industry. “Ultimately what these sorts of regulations provide to the industry is legitimacy,” said the professor. Cornell Professor on Crypto Industry

Binance blir blockchain- och kryptovalutaindustrins första att gå med i National Cyber-Forensics and Training Alliance (NCFTA)

Binance, världen’s leading blockchain and cryptocurrency infrastructure provider, today announced that it has joined the National Cyber-Forensics and Training Alliance (NCFTA), a nonprofit corporation focused on identifying, validating, mitigating, and neutralizing cybercrime threats. Binance is the first organization from the

Bank of America säger att Solana kan ta marknadsandelar från Ethereum, Bli Krypto-ekosystemets visum

amerikanska banken’s analyst says that Solana could take market share away from Ethereum. Noting that Solana is optimized for micropayments, spelande, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), the analyst expectsSolana could become the Visa of the digital asset ecosystem.Bank of

Jack Dorsey och Elon Musk väcker oro över Web3 när skepsisen om ägande växer

Tidigare Twitter-vd Jack Dorsey har väckt en debatt om web3 efter att Teslas vd Elon Musk kritiserade det. Dorsey varnade för riskerna med centralisering, betonar att web3 ägs av riskkapitalister (VCs), gömmer sig under premissen om decentralisering. “jag’m…

Det första i sitt slag Metachain-projektet, ShuttleOne ansluter sig till Tezos-protokollet

PRESSMEDDELANDE. ShuttleOne, the latest project to embrace Tezos, to soon drive adoption and liquidity while resolving blockchain fragmentation. Singapore: Avhandlingar, the highly scalable, self-amending proof of stake blockchain protocol is opening its arms to ShuttleOnea one of its

Ethereums medgrundare Vitalik Buterin publicerar "Plausible Roadmap" som adresserar skalbarhet

In recent times the Ethereum network has received a lot of criticism about the protocols data transfer fees and scalability. In a blog post calledEndgame,” published on December 6, the co-founder of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin discussed plans to improve scaling,…