Analytiker föreslår att Bitcoins botten kan vara 50 000 $ förutsatt att BTC överstiger 200 000 $ denna cykel

Priset på bitcoin i oktober har visat tecken på en dubbelbubbla som liknar den inkörda tjuren 2013, och spekulanter har försökt gissa den ledande kryptotillgången’sluta. I oktober 20, cryptocurrency marknadsanalytiker Justin Bennett diskuterade bitcoin’s…

Central Bank of Brazil rapporterar att brasilianare har köpt mer än $4 Miljarder i kryptovaluta i år

Brazilians have brought over $4 billion of cryptocurrencies to the country, according to numbers from the Central Bank of Brazil. The commercial asset balance report presented shows that Brazilians have consistently acquired over $350 million dollars of cryptocurrencies each month since

Mexikos president förnekar att ha intresse av att anta Bitcoin som lagligt anbud

The President of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, denied having any interest in adopting cryptocurrencies as legal tender in the country. The statements, offered in a press conference in the National Palace this week, also confirmed that the Mexican government will

Bitcoin skjuter i höjden över $57 000, Återtar marknadsvärde för biljoner dollar, Dubbelsiffriga veckovinster

The price of bitcoin continues to climb higher as the crypto asset has captured over 19% in gains during the last seven days. Bitcoin tapped a daily high on Monday reaching $57,678 per enhet, Hoppar 4.4% in the last 24 timmar….

London College Student rånad vid Knifepoint av 8 Thuggar för $93K i Bitcoin

Recently a student from the University of Kent in London was robbed at knifepoint for his bitcoin. After eight thugs stormed his dorm room and demanded that he reveal his crypto credentials and passwords, the student was forced to leave the

Den tidigare Monero-utvecklaren Spagni släpptes från USA:s fängelse, Löften att ta itu med bedrägerianklagelser

Former Monero developer Riccardo Spagni has been released from a U.S. prison where he reportedly spentsixty-one days in solitary confinement.The developers release was prompted by the failure of South African authoritiesto make a timely submission in support of

Iranska lagstiftare motsätter sig kryptorestriktioner, Ring efter stödföreskrifter

Medlemmar av det iranska parlamentet, Majlis, har uttryckt oro över Teheran’s restriktiva policyer mot innovationer såsom kryptovalutor. Efter lanseringen av en studie som rekommenderar en ny strategi för kryptoindustrin, the lawmakers have called for the adoption of fördubblar sig på modellen utan frihetsberövande, in line with its vision to supporteconomic freedom,’ is refocusing its efforts on non-custodial, eller ‘self hosted,’ crypto products, including exchange. Därför, the Wallet, which is fully non-custodial and provides users with direct access to public blockchains like