Bitcoin-prisutsikter för juni — Marknadsförhållandena visar osäkerhet

Ten days into June, bitcoin continues to trade lower, with prices hovering close to a twelve-month low. Trots detta, there continues to be optimism around potential rallies in price over the next few weeks. Övergripande, there is still a lot of

Deloittes undersökning: 85% av handlare säger att aktivering av kryptobetalningar är hög prioritet

A survey conducted by Deloitte in collaboration with PayPal found that over 85% of merchantsare giving high or very high priority to enabling cryptocurrency payments.” För övrigt, “nearly three-quarters of those surveyed reported plans to accept either cryptocurrency or stablecoin

Mad Moneys Jim Cramer ger råd om investeringar i kryptovaluta

The host of Mad Money, Jim Cramer, has some advice for cryptocurrency investors. “I would never discourage you from buying crypto,” han sa, adding that he himself owns ethereum. Jim Cramers Advice on Crypto Investing Jim Cramer, the host of Mad

Solana Ventures lanseras $100 Miljonfond fokuserad på Web3-projekt i Sydkorea

Solana Ventures har avslöjat lanseringen av en $100 miljoner fond tillägnad Web3-startups i Sydkorea. Enligt Solana Labs’ general manager Johnny Lee, kapitalet kommer att dedikeras till icke-fungibla tokens (NFTs), decentraliserad finans (defi), och spelfinansiering…

Colombia tar de första stegen mot att reglera utbyten av kryptovaluta

The Congress of Colombia has approved a bill that regulates the behavior of cryptocurrency exchanges in the country in its first discussion, taking the first steps to bring clarity to this issue. One of the creators of the bill, Mauricio Toro,…

Amerikanska ekonomer är förbryllade över en "ovanlig situation" eftersom Rysslands rubel är världens bäst presterande Fiat-valuta

Två månader efter att den ryska rubeln föll under ett U.S. penny, det transkontinentala landet’s fiat-valuta är den bästa valutan i världen. Amerikanska ekonomer är förbryllade över “ovanlig situation” because a country facing stiff sanctions typically sees its fiat currency

Paypal uppgraderar kryptotjänsten – låter användare nu överföra kryptovalutor till andra plånböcker, Utbyten

Paypal has begun letting users transfer cryptocurrencies between its platform and other wallets and exchanges. “This feature has been consistently ranked by users as one of the most requested enhancements since we began offering the purchase of crypto on our platform,”…

Bitcoin, Ethereum teknisk analys: BTC fortsätter att konsolidera, Priserna flyttas något över $30,000

Bitcoin moved away from Tuesdays lows during the hump-day session, as prices were once again above $30,000. Prices have been hovering above and below this level over the last few weeks, with no significant gains in the period. ETH was also

Indisk regulator: Cryptos decentraliserade natur gör reglering utmanande

Indien’s market regulator, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), says the decentralized nature of crypto assets makes consumer protection and regulatory enforcement challenging. SEBI on Crypto Regulation The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) reportedly told the Parliamentary

Digital Real kommer att användas av banker i Brasilien som säkerhet för att ge ut sina egna Stablecoins

The Brazilian central bank digital currency (CBDC), the digital real, will be more of a wholesale asset instead of a public retail-focused token, according to statements from the president of the Central Bank of Brazil, Roberto Campos Net. Campos Neto indicated