VC Darling Crypto Sui gör vågor med marknadsdebut, Prissänkor 37% Från All-Time High

A buzz has been generated around a new layer one (L1) proof-of-stake blockchain initiative named Sui, following the network’s mainnet debut on May 3, 2023. The native token SUI has been listed on various cryptocurrency exchanges, drawing attention to the project….

Crypto Exchange Coinbase står inför rättsliga åtgärder över biometrisk datainsamling

The Nasdaq-listed cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has been accused of “wrongfully” profiting from its users’ facial and fingerprint scans. “Coinbase collects, stores, possesses, otherwise obtains, uses, and disseminates its usersbiometric data to, amongst other things, further enhance Coinbase and its online

Brasilien förbjuder telegram tillfälligt på grund av påstådd bristande samarbete i kampen mot skolvåld

A federal judge in Brazil has ordered the temporary suspension of Telegram in the country and established hefty fines due to the supposed lack of collaboration of the company in a national crusade against school violence. Telegram failed to deliver information

Crypto Exchange Bitzlato återställer användaråtkomst till hälften av Bitcoin-saldon, Rapportera

Bitzlato users can now partially withdraw their bitcoin funds from the dismantled cryptocurrency exchange, according to a media report. The Russia-linked trading platform was targeted by Western law enforcement and had its France-based server infrastructure seized in January. Bitzlato Customers Allowed

Rollkit-utvecklare utnyttjar Bitcoin för Sovereign Rollups, Gnistrande kritik från Ethereum-förespråkare

Rollkit-utvecklingsteamet har meddelat att Bitcoin har integrerats som ett sätt för suveräna rollups för att lagra och hämta data. Utvecklarna har uppgett att det nu är möjligt att köra Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) på Bitcoin as…

Apples godkännandeprocess försenar lanseringen av Uniswaps mobilapp; Företaget lanserar begränsad testversion

På marsch 3, 2023, Uniswap Labs, the firm behind the decentralized exchange Uniswap, announced the launch of a limited early-release application through Apple’s Testflight program. The company stated that the limited release was due to Apple not granting approval for the

Sydafrikanska återförsäljaren Pick n Pay nu accepterar betalningar via BTC i alla dess butiker

Pick n Pay, one of South Africas leading retailers, reportedly now accepts bitcoin as payment at all its stores across the country. Using the bitcoin lightning network, Pick n Pays customers can now buy items such as groceries, airtime and electricity

GAIMIN levererar ett decentraliserat tillvägagångssätt för det ökande kravet på mer databearbetningskraft

The world-wide demand for data processing is increasing year-on-year, with data processing applications requiring ever increasing performance from data processing devices and services. Industries, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), video rendering, powering blockchain computations, scientific simulations and research, financial modeling and

Priserna i dollar steg nästan 54% i Venezuela Under 2022

Prices in Venezuela have been rising steadily even when denominated in foreign currency. According to data collected by Ecoanalitica, a market research firm, prices marked in dollars have grown close to 54% during 2022, affecting the income and savings of Venezuelans