Guldpriserna förväntas skjuta i höjden 2023: Experter förutspår rekordnivåer för ädelmetall

Gold is on the rise in 2023 and in the first week of the new year alone, the precious metal has jumped 2.36% mot U.S.A. dollar. Over the past 65 dagar, gold has soared 14.55% while silver has skyrocketed 22.31%

Remitteringar till låg- och medelinkomstländer i 2022 Upp förbi 5% till $626 Miljard — Senaste Världsbankens rapport

Despite the headwinds that have dominated the year, remittances to low and middle-income countries in 2022 still grew by 5% till $626 miljard, the World Bank Migration and Development Brief has said. Afrika, where the cost of sending $200 averaged 7.8%

Kinesiska centralbanken säger att den kommer att prioritera stabiliserande valuta efter att yuan fallit till 14-årigt lågt kontra USD

Moments after the Chinese yuans onshore exchange rate versus the U.S. dollar slumped to 7.2458 per dollar, the Peoples Bank of China responded by stating that it will prioritize stabilizing the currency. Similar to other currencies that have been depreciating against

Godkännande av IMF:s räddningsaktion hjälper zambiska kwacha att ta den ryska rubelns position som världens bäst presterande valuta

After the International Money Fund revealed it had approved a bailout package for Zambia, the Southern African countrys currency, the kwacha, rallied by 3.1%. Following this gain, the kwacha took the Russian rubles position as the worlds best-performing currency in 2022….

Ethereum kan detronisera Bitcoin som bästa kryptobutik av värde, Studie argumenterar

A recent paper authored by members of several universities, including Sydney and Macquarie, argues that recent changes in Ethereum monetary policy are making it a better store of value than bitcoin. The deflationary effect that the EIP-1559 proposal has caused in

Socialite och modell Alexis Ren litar inte på dollarekonomin, Säger att Crypto är ett gångbart alternativ

The American social media personality and model, Alexis Ren believes the fiat economy iscollapsingand recently she told the press she thinks cryptocurrencies offer a viable alternative. I en intervju nyligen, Ren explained her interest in crypto is fueled by

Shark Tanks Kevin O'Leary ger råd om hur man kommer in i Bitcoin - Crypto nu 10% av hans portfölj

Shark Tank-stjärnan Kevin O’Leary, men mr. Underbar, has some advice on how to get into bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. “Det’s a wonderful universe. Det’s a fantastic asset. Det’s a must-own if youre an investor,” OLeary said. He also revealed that