"Fiat är bräcklig" - Silicon Valley Banks kollaps ger fingerpekande och oro för smitta

Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) has become the center of attention after its collapse prompted the U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to shut the bank down on Friday. It was the largest U.S. bank failure since 2008, and various alleged catalysts

Vita huset publicerar "Roadmap" för att minska riskerna med kryptovaluta

The White House has published aroadmap to mitigate cryptocurrenciesrisks.The roadmap calls for authorities toramp up enforcement where appropriateand Congressto step up its effortsto regulate the crypto sector. It also notes that legislation should not

Feds inflationsdata visar att KPI kommer att höjas i framtiden, USA:s bruttostatsskuld $31 Biljon

A recently published forecast stemming from the Federal Reserve Bank of Clevelands Inflation Nowcasting data indicates upcoming U.S. konsumentprisindex (KPI) metrics will likely be elevated. The newly predicted CPI levels were recorded the same day Americas gross national debt

IRS förväntar sig att beslagta miljarder dollar i kryptovaluta nästa år - mer än $3.5 Miljarder i krypto beslagtogs i år

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has revealed that $3.5 billion in crypto was seized during the fiscal year 2021. This represents 93% of all funds seized by its criminal investigation unit during the same time period. The agency expects to seize

Detta Crowdsource-projekt försöker avslöja amerikanska politiker som äger Bitcoin

I september 19, 2021, the software developer and cofounder of Casa, Jameson Lopp, announced a new project called bitcoinpoliticians.org which sifts through Congressional financial disclosures and records them into a database. Lopp says the aim is to createmore transparency around