Harvard ekonomiprofessor: USA:s standard kan utlösa en global finanskris

Harvard ekonomiprofessor Kenneth Rogoff, som tidigare varit chefsekonom vid Internationella valutafonden (IMF), har varnat för att U.S. Att inte uppfylla sina skuldförbindelser kan utlösa en global finanskris. "Det är en mycket farlig situation och vi…

Peter Schiff säger att bankkrisen inte är över, Mycket värre finanskris på väg - varnar för "massiv" lågkonjunktur

Economist Peter Schiff has cautioned that the present banking crisis is the cusp of a much worse financial crisis. “It’s going to get much much worse if you are going to try to dismiss it,” betonade han. Citing the Federal Reserve’s

Ekonomen Peter Schiff förutspår att inflationen "på väg att bli mycket värre" - US-dollar står inför "Ett av dess värsta år någonsin"

Economist Peter Schiff has predicted that the U.S. dollar will haveone of its worst years ever” i 2023, warning that the inflation problem isabout to get much worse.He also shared his prediction about the worst-performing sectors of the

Ekonomen Peter Schiff varnar för att den amerikanska dollarn kommer att krascha - säger "Vi kommer att gå till standard"

Economist Peter Schiff has warned that the U.S. dollar will crash. Noting that the U.S. är “in a much bigger fiscal mess than Great Britain,” with a much bigger debt problem, Schiff stressed: “Can we possibly repay this debt? Självklart…

Teslas vd Elon Musk säger att lågkonjunkturen kan vara till våren 2024

Tesla and Spacex CEO Elon Musk expects a global recession to last until the spring of 2024. Musk added that his two companies are in good positions but many others are not. “Recessions do have a silver lining in that companies

Ron Paul insisterar på att den amerikanska ekonomins "kollaps kommer".,"Fd kongressledamot säger att likvidation är "absolut nödvändig"

Just recently the American author, economist, and retired politician Ron Paul discussed the rising tensions between China and Taiwan during an interview and he talked about the U.S. economy as well. Paul insists that the U.S. ekonomi’s “collapse will come,” och…

230 Ekonomer varnar att den amerikanska regeringens föreslagna lag om inflationsminskning kommer att driva på inflationen

Last week, Democrats unveiled climate and health care legislation called theInflation Reduction Act,” and theres a lot of debate over the name of the proposed public policy measures. After the legislation was revealed, 230 economists sent a letter to the

Biden-administrationen anklagas för propaganda och att "omdefiniera" en lågkonjunkturs tekniska definition

After people have accused bureaucrats and government agencies of changing definitions during the last few years, Joe Bidens administration now claims that a second consecutive quarter of negative gross domestic product (GDP) does not indicate the U.S. is in a recession….

Medan aktier återhämtar sig, Analytiker diskuterar Bitcoins avkoppling, Guldmarknaderna är fortfarande "under press"

U.S. equities markets jumped on Thursday as stock traders saw some relief after a number of weekly losses. All the major stock indexes rebounded after falling for nearly eight weeks in a row, while the crypto economy took some losses on