G7 kommer att diskutera mer kryptoreglering och hur man kan hjälpa utvecklingsländer att introducera centralbanks digitala valutor

The G7 countries are discussing more crypto regulation and ways to help developing nations introduce central bank digital currencies (CBDC). “As a priority of this year, the G7 will consider how best to help developing countries introduce CBDC consistent with appropriate

US Treasury Report varnar för Defis hot mot den nationella säkerheten, Författare drar slutsatsen att Fiat används i olaglig finansiering mer än krypto

USA. Treasury has released a 42-page report assessing the risks of decentralized finance (defi). The report states that specific nation-state adversaries, cybercriminals, ransomware attackers, thieves, and scammers are using defi totransfer and launder their illicit proceeds.The Treasury’s report

USA:s lagstiftare presenterar ett lagförslag för att bekräfta att blockchain-utvecklare och icke-vårdnadstjänster inte är pengarsändare

A U.S. lawmaker has introduced the Blockchain Regulatory Certainty Act to ensure that developers and non-custodial service providers in the crypto space are not considered money transmitters and are not subject to the same level of regulation as custodial cryptocurrency exchanges….

Fed kodifierar fjärde raka 75bps räntehöjning — Aktier, Bitcoin, och metaller stiger

USA. Federal Reserve introduced another jumbo rate hike on Wednesday, nov. 2, 2022, by hiking the federal funds rate (FFR) förbi 75 baspunkter (bps). The American central bank said on Wednesday that the hike aims to curb inflation and

Forskningsföretaget förutspår att Bitcoin kommer att nå 200 000 $ under andra halvan av 2022, ETH kommer att nå $12K

This week in a note to investors, Fsinsight, a Fundstrat company, said bitcoin could reach $200,000 during the second half of the year. In the investors note, Fsinsights head of digital asset strategy, Sean Farrell, said the parabolic growth would be

"Inflation i nyheterna driven av rika människor" - Media Pundits hävdar att "inflationen är bra" när amerikaner kämpar med mindre köpkraft

Inflation in the U.S. has a large number of Americans worried about the future of their purchasing power as the cost of goods and services has continued to rise faster every month. Reports note that Americans are struggling to pay for