Andreessen Horowitz zažene A16z Crypto Research Lab

A16z, znan tudi kot Andreessen Horowitz, tveganega kapitala (VC) podjetje, ki je vložilo milijone v projekte, povezane s kripto, je napovedal začetek lastnega laboratorija za kripto raziskave. This new initiative seeks to marry academic research with producing ideas and putting

Poročilo: Južnoafriška univerza bo diplomantom izdajala certifikate, ki temeljijo na blockchainu

Južnoafriška univerza je sporočila, da bo od tega leta študentom, ki bodo diplomirali na izobraževalni ustanovi, izdajala certifikate, ki temeljijo na blockchainu.. Univerzitetni administratorji so trdili, da bo certifikacijski sistem, ki temelji na verigi blokov, pomagal preprečiti goljufije in ustaviti proizvodnjo ponarejenih dokumentov. QR

Argentinski regulator vrednostnih papirjev zažene središče za inovacije za razpravo o reguliranih kripto naložbah

The National Securities Commission (CNV), which is the Argentinian securities watchdog, recently launched an innovation hub with the goal of advancing conversations about cryptocurrency and fintech investments. This organization will serve as a link between private entities and the institution, do…

Brazilski kongres namerava v prihodnjih mesecih sprejeti enoten kripto okvir

The Brazilian Congress is trying to approve a cryptocurrency legal framework before the end of Q2. According to reports from local media, The proponents of the different law projects presented in the Senate and the Congress have stated they will seek

Sega Hints at the Inclusion of NFT and Metaverse Elements in Its ‘Super Game’ Proposal

Sega, the renowned game development company based in Japan, has hinted at the use of NFT (nezamenljivi žeton) and metaverse elements in its new game proposal. DubbedSuper Game,” this new framework includes a series of AAA games that will use

Ripio napoveduje širitev v Kolumbijo v naslednjih mesecih

gramoz, an Argentinian cryptocurrency exchange, has announced concrete actions regarding its expansion to Colombia. The company will offer a new option for cryptocurrency users and traders in Colombia, and will also offer a financial education proposal that is yet to be

Delivery App Rappi Launches Pilot Project to Accept Crypto Payments in Mexico

Rappi, one of the biggest delivery companies in Latam, has launched a pilot project with the objective of accepting cryptocurrencies as a payment method. Users will be able to buy Rappi credits with cryptocurrency to spend later on various services offered

Kolumbijski nadzornik pranja denarja odloži rešitev poročanja o kripto transakcijah

UIAF, ki je kolumbijski nadzornik pranja denarja, je preložil datum, ko morajo borze in posamezniki začeti poročati o svojih transakcijah organizaciji. The institution will now open a consulting period in which companies and individuals can present

Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Against Binance for Allegedly Selling Unregistered Crypto Securities

A lawsuit against Binance accusing the cryptocurrency exchange of selling unregistered crypto securities has been dismissed. The plaintiffs listed nine cryptocurrencies in the lawsuit. Binance’s Lawsuit Dismissed U.S. District Judge Andrew Carter dismissed a lawsuit against cryptocurrency exchange Binance Thursday. The…