Global Central Bank Gold Holdings se je povečal na 36,000 Tone noter 2021, Povečanje, pripisano padcu dolarja

Skupna količina zlata, ki ga imajo centralne banke v rezervah, je dosegla vrh 36,000 tone prvič po 1990, so pokazali podatki Svetovnega sveta za zlato. To povečanje sledi rasti v bankah’ poročali o lastništvu sredstva za 4.500…

Bitcoin Will Be Legal Tender in 2 More Countries This Year, El Salvador’s President Predicts

Odrešenik’s president has made six predictions relating to bitcoin for 2022. He expects two more countries to adopt bitcoin as legal tender this year. medtem, he expects El Salvadors Bitcoin City to commence construction during the year and his country’s…

Ex-Head of Crypto Exchange Wex Released in Poland

Former chief executive of the Russian cryptocurrency exchange Wex, Dmitry Vasiliev, has been released from arrest in Warsaw earlier this month. The ex-head of the now-defunct coin trading platform has since returned to Russia while court proceedings against him in Poland

Bitwise CIO pravi, da je 100.000 $ Bitcoin težko napovedati, Ethereum imenuje "sredstvo leta"

While theres been an awful lot of calls for bitcoin to reach six-digits in value in 2021, as the end of the year draws closer, it doesnt seem like $100K per bitcoin will happen. Bitwise Asset Managements chief investment officer Matt

Sedemkratni prvak Super Bowla Tom Brady podaril Bitcoin navijaču ekipe Buccaneers

Seven-time Super Bowl champion Tom Brady announced on ESPN that he was giving a Tampa Bay Buccaneers fan a bitcoin for returning the star quarterbacks 600th touchdown pass ball. Vendar, experts have said that if the fan kept the ball it