Zvezdnik Shark Tank Kevin O'Leary kupi Bitcoin Dip - pravi, da Crypto 'obupno potrebuje politiko'

Shark Tank star Kevin OLeary, aka Mr. Wonderful, says he has bought the dip during the recent cryptocurrency market sell-off. Je dodal: “Now crypto itself desperately needs policy. It needs regulation.Kevin OLeary Buys the Dip, Comments on Bitcoin Price Kevin

Argentina teče k stabilnim coinom sredi politične in gospodarske negotovosti

Citizens of Argentina are hedging their savings by using stablecoins amidst the recent climate of uncertainty created by the resignation of certain key members of the government. The minister of economy in the country resigned last weekend, alongside other personalities, creating

Argentinska borza kriptovalut Buenbit lansira instrumente donosa stablecoina

Buenbit, one of the leading Argentinian cryptocurrency exchanges, announced the inclusion of two stablecoins in its current yield program. The company will allow its customers to earn yields of up to 11% annually on their USDC and USDT funds, with the

Združeno kraljestvo predstavlja načrte za podporo sprejetju kripto, Ustvarite več pooblastil za zaseg in povrnitev digitalnih sredstev

Delivering the Queens Speech, Prince Charles outlines the British governments plans to support the safe adoption of cryptocurrencies and createpowers to more quickly and easily seize and recover crypto assets.UK Government Plans to Support Crypto Adoption The U.K. vlada…

Ruska protimonopolna agencija predlaga višje cene električne energije za domače kripto rudarje

The anti-monopoly service of Russia has suggested that Russians minting digital currencies at their homes should pay more for the spent electrical energy. The proposal comes after the submission of a bill tailored to regulate cryptocurrency mining to the Russian parliament….

Crypto Industry Lobbies Against Bills Targeting Russian Oligarchs Evading Sanctions Using Cryptocurrency

The crypto industry is lobbying U.S. lawmakers against two bills aimed at preventing Russian oligarchs from using cryptocurrency to avoid sanctions. ZDA. and many other countries placed sanctions on them after Russia began its invasion of Ukraine. Bills Preventing Wealthy

Fort Worth Is Mining Bitcoin in City Hall, Mayor Wants to Transform Region Into a Tech-Friendly City

V torek, Fort Worth mayor Mattie Parker and Fort Worth revealed that the city is now the first U.S. city government in the country to mine bitcoin. Glede na napoved, the city of Fort Worth has partnered with the Texas

Russia’s Finance Ministry Submits Bill to Legalize Crypto Investments, Ban Payments

Russian Ministry of Finance has prepared and submitted a new bill to expand crypto regulations to the government. The law “O digitalni valuti” aims to introduce rules for investment in cryptocurrencies while at the same time cementing a ban on their

El Salvador Rejects IMF Call to Abandon Bitcoin as Legal Tender

El Salvador has rejected the recommendation by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to drop bitcoin as legal tender. Država’s finance minister reportedlyangrily” rekel, “No international organization is going to make us do anything, anything at all.El Salvador Says

Kraljevina Tonga bo morda sprejela Bitcoin kot zakonito plačilno sredstvo, Pravi nekdanji poslanec

Kraljevina Tonga lahko sprejme bitcoin kot zakonito plačilno sredstvo, po besedah ​​nekdanjega člana Tonge’s parlamentom, Gospod Fusitu’a, ki je tvitnil o možnem časovnem načrtu tega dogodka. varovalka’a verjame, da bo do naslednje jeseni račun…