Ukrajinska centralna banka je omejila dvige gotovine med ruskim napadom

The central bank of Ukraine has capped withdrawals of cash in national fiat and banned those in foreign currency. The monetary authority says the measures aim to ensure the functioning of the nations financial system under the martial law introduced in

Poročilo: Ronin Sidechain Processed 560% More Total Transactions Than Ethereum Last November

The blockchain-powered game Axie Infinity has been a very popular application during the last 12 mesecih, as the games NFTs have outpaced every NFT collection today in terms of all-time sales. While Axie Infinity has seen $3.85 billion in all-time sales,…

‘Wolf of Wall Street’ Jordan Belfort Warns About Investing in Dogecoin and Shiba Inu Cryptocurrencies

Jordan Belfort, the former stockbroker whose memoir was made into a film starring Leonardo DiCaprio, has warned about investing in meme cryptocurrencies, like dogecoin (DOŽ) in shiba inu (SHIB). Belfort explained thatPeople are taking advantage of an unregulated market,” emphasizing

Finder’s Experts Expect Solana to Surpass $1,100 avtor 2025, Over $5K by 2030

At the end of October, the product comparison website published new survey data about price predictions concerning the leading crypto asset ethereum. On November 1, Finders researchers published price predictions for the ethereum competitor solana, as Finders panelists predict the

Wu-Tang Clan’s Unreleased Album Changes Hands From Martin Shkreli to an NFT Art Collective

After fighting in court since 2015, the former hedge fund manager Martin Shkreli was sentenced to seven years in prison for conspiring to commit securities fraud and he was forced to pay $7.4 million in fines. One of Shkrelis prized possessions,…