Battle Royale Blockchain igra Grit s sedežem na divjem zahodu je uvrščena na seznam v Epic Games Store

junija 6, the Web3 entertainment company Gala Games announced that the Wild West-focused battle royale blockchain game Grit will soon be available via the Epic Games Store and accessible to 194 million users. The well known company Epic Games is

Gamestop lansira denarnico Web3 Ethereum, ki izkorišča tehnologijo ZK-Rollup podjetja Loopring

Ta teden, prodajalec zabavne elektronike in programske opreme za igre na drobno, Gamestop, has officially revealed the companys self-custodial, Denarnica Web3 ethereum. The wallet is currently in beta form and now available via the firms web portal, in order to provide users with a

Skrbniško podjetje za kriptovalute Fireblocks lansira zbirko storitev Web3

Ognjeni bloki, ponudnik storitev kripto skrbništva, širi svoje storitve z uvedbo institucionalnega paketa storitev Web3. Ta paket bo strankam omogočil pridobitev likvidnosti iz različnih borz, in mint NFT-ji. Servis, which has already onboarded several

Rusko ministrstvo za finance spreminja predlog zakona o digitalni valuti,’ Doda določbe za kripto rudarjenje

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation has revised a draft law designed to regulate the country’kripto prostor, introducing provisions for cryptocurrency mining. The bill has been resubmitted to the government and may be adopted during the parliaments spring

Heroes of Arcan Announces Community-Driven Heroic Fantasy Play-to-Earn Game

SPOROČILO ZA JAVNOST. Heroes of Arcan aims to create a play-to-earn game that offers players engaging, challenging peer-to-peer strategic gameplay backed by ethical, carbon-neutral blockchain technology. The play-to-earn revolution has catalyzed global change in blockchain and cryptocurrency markets, with over 750,000 individual

ARTIC s svojimi metarazstavami prinaša decentraliziran pristop k umetniškim galerijam in razstavam

SPOROČILO ZA JAVNOST. The ARTIC team is made up of highly skilled IT engineers, art consultants, designers, and various other professionals with an average of more than 20 years of experience in their respective disciplines. The ARTIC team intends to use blockchain

S&P Global Ratings Study Predicts Crypto and Decentralized Finance Will Continue to Grow in 2022.

S&P Global, an intelligence and data company, suggests that crypto and decentralized finance trends will continue to gather steam in 2022. In its latest report, the company examines the current state of the market and notes that, while there are still