Single Mining Farm Needs as Much Power as 24,000 Homes, Kazakhstan Estimates

Authorities in Kazakhstan have calculated the energy used in the countrys crypto mining industry which competes for electricity with other sectors of the economy and households. The government has also estimated the additional supply necessary to meet the growing demand from

Australia Needs Regulations to Facilitate Crypto Business, Senate Committee Reports

A Senate committee in Australia has made a number of proposals to address the lack of proper regulations for the cryptocurrency space. The lawmakers believe the country needs new rules for its fintech and digital asset industries to be able to

Rusija razmišlja o delni zamenjavi dolarskih rezerv z digitalnimi sredstvi v prihodnosti

Amid ongoing sanctions, the government of Russia has been working to limit the country’odvisnost od ZDA. dolar. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs now says its possible to partially replace the greenback in currency reserves and trade settlements with other

Lokalna podjetja v New Yorku pozivajo guvernerja, naj uvede moratorij na rudarjenje bitcoinov za celotno državo

Guverner zvezne države New York, Kathy Hochul, je skupina lokalnih podjetij pozvala, naj zavrnejo poslovna dovoljenja rudarjem bitcoinov. Pismo posebej zahteva “zavrnitev dovoljenj za generatorsko postajo Greenidge in Fortistar…

Bitfarms začenja gradnjo Mega Bitcoin rudarske farme v Argentini

Bitfarme, a bitcoin mining company, announced last week that construction is underway for a mega bitcoin mining farm in Argentina. The facility, which is designed to accommodate 55,000 miners, will be finished by next year. This is yet another signal that

Sri Lanka’s E-commerce Platform Kapruka to Introduce Crypto Payments

Sri Lankas leading online retailer, Kapruka, has unveiled plans to introduce support for cryptocurrency payments. The news comes as the South Asian country intensifies efforts to adopt legislation tailored to regulate its blockchain space and attract investments from the crypto industry….

Kitajska bo dodala rudarjenje kriptovalut na 'negativni seznam za dostop do trga', s čimer bo industrija prepovedana za vlagatelje

China has proposed adding cryptocurrency mining to the countrys latestNegative List for Market Access.This will make cryptocurrency mining an industry that is off-limits to investors, another move by the Chinese government to clamp down on crypto-related activities. Kitajska’s Negative

Predsednik SEC Gary Gensler: Ni načrta za prepoved kripto, To je odvisno od kongresa

SEC Chairman Gary Gensler says that the SEC has no plan to ban cryptocurrencies as China has done. He noted that it would be up to Congress to make such a decision. Pred kratkim, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell similarly said that

Rusija, ZDA na vrhu 3 za grožnje, povezane s kripto, Razkritje poročila o kibernetski varnosti

Threats related to cryptocurrency have followed prices, decreasing significantly after the market slump in May, suggests a recent report released by a leading internet security firm. Detections fell by almost a quarter but Russia remains the most affected country, with the

Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele Says Citizens Paying for Gas With the Chivo Wallet Will Get a Discount

The Salvadoran president, Nayib Bukele revealed on Friday that Chivo wallet users will be able to get a discount on petroleum fill-ups at the largest gas stations in the country. Chivo wallet users paying for fuel will save $0.20 per gallon