A Newly Published Book Claims to Tell the ‘Real Story Behind Mysterious Bitcoin Creator’

Med zadnjim 13 years, a great number of individuals have claimed to be the inventor of Bitcoin, but no single person has been able to prove this to the greater crypto community. At the end of August 2019, a marketing

Cardano Spikes as Supporters Anticipate Vasil Hard Fork, Poll Shows ADA Expected to Hit $1 by the End of June

V zadnjih sedmih dneh, the cryptocurrency cardano has increased in value by 17.3% proti ZDA. dolar, as the community anticipates the upcoming Vasil hard fork, an upgrade that aims to improve the networks throughput and enhance smart contract capabilities….

Belorusija je zasegla milijone dolarjev v kripto, Trditve glavnega preiskovalca

Authorities in Belarus have mastered the seizure of cryptocurrencies, the head of the countrys Investigative Committee revealed in a recent interview. The high-ranking law enforcement official claims the state has already confiscated crypto assets worth millions of dollars. Companies Allegedly Help

Ugotovitve raziskave ECB 10% gospodinjstev v evroobmočju imajo v lasti kripto sredstva

One in every 10 households in six eurozone countries has acquired cryptocurrencies, the European Central Bank (ECB) has found with a new survey. While the richest are most likely to own crypto assets, poor families are not far behind, the poll

Ciper pripravlja osnutke kripto pravil, Lahko jih uvede pred predpisi EU

Cyprus has prepared its own legislation to regulate crypto assets and is likely to adopt it before Europe finalizes a common regulatory framework, a government official has indicated. The authorities in Nicosia welcome thecarefuluse of cryptocurrencies, je dodal. Vlada…

Hongkonška policija aretirala prevaranta, potem ko je izginil z več kot 191.000 $, ki so pripadali kripto trgovcu

Hong Kong police have arrested a man accused of stealing $191,085 from a cryptocurrency trader in what turned out to be a bogus transaction. No funds were recovered at the time of the suspects arrest and investigations are ongoing to determine

Finderjevi strokovnjaki napovedujejo konec Apecoina 2022 pri $27 na žeton, 75% Mislite, da je APE samo "še en memecoin"

aprila 28, 2022, kripto sredstvo apecoin je doseglo najvišjo vrednost vseh časov (ATH) tapkanje $26.70 na enoto in digitalna valuta je zavzela 25. največjo tržno kapitalizacijo med 13,371 kriptovalute. Isti dan, the product comparison platform Finder published its

Polygon Reveals Supernets Project to Bolster Web3 Adoption, Pledges $100 Million to Early Users

aprila 22, the layer two (L2) scaling network Polygon introduced the new Supernets network, a blockchain protocol thats built to bolster Web3 technology. Nadalje, Polygon is pledging $100 million to early Supernet userswho can help fast-track adoption.The announcement

Belorusija je sprejela pravni postopek za zaseg nedovoljene kriptovalute

Izvajanje nedavno podpisanega predsedniškega odloka, beloruska vlada je uvedla postopek, ki državi omogoča zaseg imetja digitalnih valut. Ta poteza bo organom pregona v Minsku podelila pooblastila za zaseg kripto sredstev, povezanih z nezakonitimi dejavnostmi. Justice

Ruski bankirji predlagajo kriminalizacijo shranjevanja kripto v neskrbniških denarnicah

Keeping cryptocurrencies in non-custodial wallets may be criminalized in Russia, if authorities accept a proposal from the trade association representing Russian banks. While financial regulators think the idea deserves attention, lawmakers and experts doubt its possible to implement such a measure….