30% današnjega Staked Ethereuma je vezan na Lido's Liquid Staking, 8 ETH 2.0 Ukaz bazenov $8.1 Milijarde v vrednosti

In roughly three days Ethereum is expected to transition from a proof-of-work (PoW) blockchain network to a proof-of-stake (PoS) version via The Merge. Ahead of the transition, the liquid staking project Lido has seen a lot more activity as the value

Vrednost, zaklenjena v Lido, naraste pred združitvijo Ethereuma, Skoki žetonov LDO 23% Višje v 7 Dnevi

In eight days Ethereum is planning to undergo one of the most intensive upgrades since the DAO hard fork in 2016, as The Merge aims to change the networks consensus mechanism from proof-of-work (PoW) to proof-of-stake (PoS). Amid the lead-up to

Medtem ko je združitev povzročila rast medvedjega trga, Hype je bil izbrisan in Ethereum zdaj vodi

With just over two weeks left until The Merge, ethereum’s value against the U.S. dollar has lost all the gains the crypto asset recorded leading up to the hardened date. In mid-August, ether managed to climb above the $2K zone but

Največji rudarski bazen Ethereum na svetu bo opustil rudarjenje Ether PoW, Ethermine začne odštevanje z združitvijo

Svet’s largest ethereum mining pool, Ethermine, has announced the organization plans to drop proof-of-work (PoW) ethereum mining entirely. Ethermine says that the platforms miner dashboard will display a countdown and users can continue to mine ether until the countdown reaches

Raziskava, ki sprašuje, ali bi združitev lahko povzročila razpad verige Ethereum, sproži razprave o zamudi pri prodaji storitev

While there’s 50 days left until the week of September 19, the crypto community has been discussing whether or not Ethereum developers will delay the penciled-in date for The Merge. Poleg tega, on July 27, the crypto hedge fund Galois Capital published