Brazilian Government Preparing New Decree to Clarify Cryptocurrency Rules

The Brazilian government is preparing to release a decree to fill the blank spaces that the recent approval of the cryptocurrency law has left open. Dokument, prepared by the Ministry of Finance, will establish the areas of oversight and responsibilities

Cameron Winklevoss iz Geminija vztraja, da mora skupina za digitalno valuto rešiti likvidnostna vprašanja v odprtem pismu izvršnemu direktorju Barryju Silbertu

Cameron Winklevoss, co-founder of the cryptocurrency exchange Gemini, published an open letter to Digital Currency Group (DCG) CEO Barry Silbert on Jan. 2, 2022, stating that it had been 47 days since withdrawals from Genesis had been halted. V pismu,…

CoinEx: To Embrace a New Crypto Future by Making Crypto Trading Easier in the Next Five Years

SPOROČILO ZA JAVNOST. V decembru 2022, CoinEx will celebrate its fifth birthday. Since its inception, the crypto exchange has gone through bulls and bears and attracted over four million users across more than 200 countries and regions worldwide. For both CoinEx and

Tesla CEO Elon Musk Says Recession Could Last Until Spring 2024

Tesla and Spacex CEO Elon Musk expects a global recession to last until the spring of 2024. Musk added that his two companies are in good positions but many others are not. “Recessions do have a silver lining in that companies

British Fintech Revolut je podelil kripto licenco na Cipru

U.K.-based digital bank Revolut has been authorized by Cyprus to provide cryptocurrency services to millions of customers on the Old Continent. The fintech firm says the regulatory approval will allow it to establish a European crypto hub in the island nation….

Kolumbijski finančni nadzornik pripravlja norme za kripto transakcije

Kolumbijski finančni nadzornik, vrednostni papirji in finančni nadzornik države, pripravlja dokument za ureditev transakcij in poslovanja s kriptovalutnimi sredstvi v državi. The organization announced that it will present the document in the

Republic of Ireland to Prohibit Political Cryptocurrency Donations

The government of Ireland is preparing to ban political parties from accepting campaign donations in cryptocurrency. The move aims to block the perceived threat of Russian interference in the European nations elections against the backdrop of a clash between the West

Draft Law Regulating Aspects of Crypto Taxation Submitted to Russian Parliament

A bill updating Russias tax law to incorporate provisions pertaining to cryptocurrencies has been filed with the State Duma, the lower house of parliament. The legislation is tailored to regulate the taxation of sales and profits in the countrys market for

IMF Warns Ongoing War in Europe Will Have a ‘Severe Impact on the Global Economy’

In a report published on Saturday, Mednarodni denarni sklad (IMF) has warned that an ongoing war in Europe and associated sanctions will have asevere impact on the global economy.The IMFs report says there isextraordinary uncertaintyin the

El Salvador Drafts 20 Bills for Legal Structure of Bitcoin Bonds — Funds to Be Used to Build Bitcoin City, Buy BTC

El Salvador is preparing to introduce 20 bills to provide a legal framework for its upcoming bitcoin bonds. The funds raised will be used to build infrastructure for Bitcoin City and buy more bitcoin, the Salvadoran government explained. El Salvador Drafting