Korejske kripto borze Upbit, Bithumb napadel zakonodajalčeve kriptoposle

Južnokorejski tožilci so preiskali dve največji platformi za trgovanje s kovanci v državi v okviru preiskave o kripto naložbah politika. Zasegli so materiale iz Upbita in Bithumba zaradi sumov nezakonitega ravnanja, povezanega z zakonodajalčevimi imetji kriptovalut. jug…

Sredi "regulativnega aparata" proti kripto, Paul Tudor Jones vzdržuje dodeljevanje bitcoinov

V nedavnem intervjuju, priznani vlagatelj Paul Tudor Jones je izrazil svoj pogled na bitcoin, priznava, da bodo morda pred nami regulativni izzivi. Vendar, Jones je poudaril svojo neomajno zavezanost prevladujoči kriptovaluti, zatrjuje, da vztraja “majhna diverzifikacija” v…

Ruska podjetja "aktivno" uporabljajo kripto, Rusija za posvojitev 4 Ustrezni zakoni, Uradnik pravi

Ruski zakonodajalci nameravajo kmalu potrditi štiri zakone, namenjene urejanju različnih vidikov kriptovalut, je sporočil visoki poslanec ruskega parlamenta. medtem, Ruska podjetja že uporabljajo digitalna sredstva v čezmejnih poravnavah, je opozoril uradnik. Russian Legislature to Vote

10 Southeast Asian Nations Challenge Dollar Dominance With Push for Local Currencies

The leaders of 10 Southeast Asian nations, members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), have agreed toencourage the use of local currencies for economic and financial transactions.The group comprises Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malezija, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapur,…

Former Paxful CEO Says He Cannot ‘Vouch for Anything Happening There Now’ — Platform Tells Users It Is Back Online

The former CEO of Paxful, Ray Youssef, has told users of the peer-to-peer bitcoin marketplace that he is no longer in control and therefore cannot vouch foranything that is happening there now.Youssef also told a user who claimed to

Iran se zapre 8,000 Nezakonite farme za rudarjenje kripto v 3 leta

Oblasti v Iranu zaprle več kot 8,000 podzemnih objektov za rudarjenje kriptovalut v zadnjih treh letih, poročajo lokalni mediji. Kljub zatiranju vlade, nezakonito kripto rudarjenje še naprej predstavlja resno količino porabe energije, official figures

Nigeria-China Currency Swap: Activist Lawyer Accuses IMF and World Bank of ‘Economic Sabotage’ to Promote US Dollar, Urges Nigeria to Join BRICS

Nigerian human rights activist and lawyer, Femi Falana, has accused the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB) of sabotaging the currency swap arrangement between China and Nigeria. Falana said the Nigerian central bank and the two global financial

President Raisi Calls on Central Bank of Iran to Ditch US Dollar in Trade, Shift to National Currencies

Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi has called on the Central Bank of Iran to lay the groundwork necessary to ditch the U.S. dollar for bilateral trade settlements and to make the switch to use the Iranian real whenever possible. The Central Bank

Digital Assets for 1 Billion Rubles Issued in Russia in a Month

Platforms authorized by the Russian government issued digital assets worth around a billion rubles in April, the local press reported. The spike in the volume has been attributed to Russian companies experimenting with new financial instruments amid limited access to traditional

Nekdanji vodja pregona SEC: Argumenti Coinbase "zanesljiva zguba" in verjetno zločinec

According to John Reed Stark, crypto exchange Coinbase’s assertions that its business activities were endorsed by the U.S. Komisija za vrednostne papirje in borzo (SEC) when it approved its initial public offering area surefire loser.According to Stark, the SEC’s approval of