Sredi "regulativnega aparata" proti kripto, Paul Tudor Jones vzdržuje dodeljevanje bitcoinov

V nedavnem intervjuju, priznani vlagatelj Paul Tudor Jones je izrazil svoj pogled na bitcoin, priznava, da bodo morda pred nami regulativni izzivi. Vendar, Jones je poudaril svojo neomajno zavezanost prevladujoči kriptovaluti, zatrjuje, da vztraja “majhna diverzifikacija” v…

Google Trends Data Reveals Searches for ‘Banking Crisis,’ ‘Bank Runs,’ Skyrocket

Interest in the U.S. banking crisis has risen greatly over the past two weeks, as shown by Google Trends data. There has been a sharp increase in queries related to search terms such asbanking crisis,” “propad banke,” in “bank failure.”…

‘Fiat Is Fragile’ — Silicon Valley Bank’s Collapse Sparks Finger-Pointing and Concerns of Contagion

Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) has become the center of attention after its collapse prompted the U.S. Zvezna korporacija za zavarovanje depozitov (FDIC) to shut the bank down on Friday. It was the largest U.S. bank failure since 2008, and various alleged catalysts

Uncertainty Surrounds Federal Reserve’s Future Plans for Rate Hikes

ZDA. Federal Reserve has raised the benchmark bank rate seven times during the course of 2022, leading many to question when the central bank will cease or change course. The Fed has stated that it aims to bring inflation down

Ark Invest CEO Warns Rate Hikes Could Fuel a ‘Deflationary Bust’ in Open Letter to the Fed

Following the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) report that the U.S. Federal Reserve should stop raising rates, Ark Invest CEO Catherine Wood has published an open letter to the U.S. central bank asking the institution to stop raising

Predsednica Fed Clevelanda Loretta Mester "ne napoveduje recesije".,« Pravi, da se bo inflacija znižala

Cleveland Federal Reserve Bank president Loretta Mester doesnt think a recession will take place in the United States but believes it will take two years to get inflation back down to 2%. While speaking during an interview on Sunday, Mester explained

Medtem ko globalne trge prestrašita Covid in jastrebska Fed, Delnice in kriptovalute so ponovno odskočile, potem ko je Musk kupil Twitter

Wall Street je v ponedeljek zjutraj trpel kot glavni ameriški indeks. borzni indeksi so se še znižali, temelji na izgubah, zbranih prejšnji teden. Poročila kažejo, da so vlagatelji zaskrbljeni zaradi prihajajočih dvigov obrestnih mer Federal Reserve in Kitajske’nedavni izbruh Covid-19. As equities floundered on