Analysts Weigh In on BRICS Currency as Tool to Face US Dollar-Based Sanctions

Analysts have begun considering using a future BRICS currency to sidestep U.S. sanctions and the dollar’s influence in international markets. While the rise of the U.S. dollar was significant to spur an era of economic growth after World War II, の…


中国とサウジアラビアの関係は、同国の内閣が上海協力機構への参加に合意したことにより拡大している。 (SCO). 王国による外交的動きは9月の覚書から始まった, そして3月末に,…

India to Facilitate International Settlements in Rupees to Reduce Dependence on the US Dollar

The government of India has announced that it will facilitate the settlement of international transactions using its national currency, the rupee. As part of its foreign trading policy framework implemented on April 1, the country introduced this measure to facilitate payments

BRICS Nations Working on Creating New Currency to Be Discussed at Next Leaders Summit: 報告する

The BRICS nations are reportedly working on developing a new form of currency, which is expected to be discussed at the next BRICS leaders’ サミット, according to a top Russian official. “The transition to settlements in national currencies is the first

プーチン, Xi Vow to Use Yuan as Russia and China Move to Settlements in National Currencies

As part of the talks that Russian president Vladimir Putin and Chinese president Xi Jinping are currently conducting in Russia, Russia has vowed to move to use the Chinese yuan as a settlement currency with countries in Asia, アフリカ, and Latam….

BRICS諸国「ドルに対抗して団結」,大手銀行はFRBのさらなる利上げを予測, ビットコインは序数が通貨を獲得するにつれて大きなブロックを記録する

In spite of turbulence in traditional global finance, with BRICS nations said to be pushing for de-dollarization and major banks like Bank of America and Goldman Sachs predicting further interest rate hikes from the U.S. 連邦準備金, creativity in crypto has