French President Emmanuel Macron States Europe Must Reduce Its Dependence on the US Dollar to Avoid Becoming ‘Vassals’

Emmanuel Macron, president of France, clarified his position on the future of Europe and its relations with China and the U.S. in the short term. Returning from his visit to Beijing, Macron believes that Europe should avoid getting caught up in

中国、ドル依存削減に向けアジア通貨基金と協議する用意がある, マレーシアは言う

アジア通貨基金を設立するというアイデアが中国指導部の注目を集めた, マレーシア政府首脳が明らかにした。. 首相は自国に理由はないと信じている, それは強い米国によって傷つけられている….

India to Facilitate International Settlements in Rupees to Reduce Dependence on the US Dollar

The government of India has announced that it will facilitate the settlement of international transactions using its national currency, the rupee. As part of its foreign trading policy framework implemented on April 1, the country introduced this measure to facilitate payments

プーチン, Xi Vow to Use Yuan as Russia and China Move to Settlements in National Currencies

As part of the talks that Russian president Vladimir Putin and Chinese president Xi Jinping are currently conducting in Russia, Russia has vowed to move to use the Chinese yuan as a settlement currency with countries in Asia, アフリカ, and Latam….