東南アジア最大の銀行 DBS がメタバースに参入

DBS, the largest bank in Southeast Asia, says it isthe first bank in Singapore to make a foray into the metaverse.A DBS executive explained thatThe metaverse presents exciting opportunities to redefine how we live, work and engage with

ロレックスとパテックの時計で暗号通貨市場が洪水に見舞われる, 取引プラットフォームは言う

The latest troubles in the crypto space have allegedly led to an increased supply of second-hand luxury watches, according to a leading trading platform. 結果として, prices of sought-after models by major brands like Rolex and Patek have dropped, の…


Citizens of Argentina are hedging their savings by using stablecoins amidst the recent climate of uncertainty created by the resignation of certain key members of the government. The minister of economy in the country resigned last weekend, alongside other personalities, creating

スペイン銀行総裁: 暗号市場は「金融市場危機前のサブプライム住宅ローンよりも大きい」

パブロ・エルナンデス・デ・コス, スペイン銀行総裁, 暗号通貨と暗号市場が経験している成長について再び警告しました. Hernandes de Cos は次のように述べています。, 市場はまだ世界レベルで比較的小さい, の…

Freedom Protocolは、Binanceスマートチェーンのエコロジーにおいて最大量のIDOを備えたプロジェクトになりました

プレスリリース. Binance is a curious company. the worlds largest cryptocurrency exchange, it also has no official headquarters and operates outside regulatory control. But that may not stop its step. Binance.US raised funding at a $4.5bn valuation this month, providing a

世界銀行の予測 3% 金価格の上昇, 専門家は、オンスあたり3,000ドルを「そうでないよりも可能性が高い」と述べています

The World Bank has said it expects the price of gold to rise by 3% の 2022 but warned the price might fall sharply if the Russian central bank decides to offload large quantities of the commodity. The Russian Factor After

世界市場がCovidとホーキッシュFRBに惑わされている間, マスクがツイッターを購入した後の株式と暗号のリバウンド

ウォール街は月曜日の朝、主要な米国として苦しんだ.. 株価指数はさらに下落, 先週集められた損失に基づいて構築. 報告書は、投資家が今後の連邦準備制度理事会の利上げと中国について懸念していることを示しています’最近のCovid-19の発生. As equities floundered on

Crypto DerivativesPowerhousePhemexが巨大な取引コンテストを開始 $750,000 賞金プール

Some say trading is a game of luck; others view it as an adventure sport. Just like athletes love performing mind-blowing maneuvers, そこの’s a thrill that comes with executing the perfect trade, For those newer to the scene, trading competitions allow


Coinzo, one of Turkeys largest cryptocurrency exchanges, is terminating its digital asset trading services. The platform said its website will remain online in the next six months to allow users to withdraw their holdings in cryptocurrency and Turkish fiat money. 別…

第3四半期のDappsの背後にある原動力となるゲームとNFT, Dappradarによると

Blockchain-based games and NFT trading were the driving force behind dapp adoption during Q3, according to defi insight platform Dappradar. In its Dapp Industry Report: Q3 2021 Overview, Dappradar states that the importance of these new activities in the crypto industry