フランスで 3 番目に大きい銀行ソシエテ ジェネラルの子会社がデジタル資産サービス プロバイダーとしての登録を取得

ソシエテ ジェネラル フォージ, フランス第3位の銀行の子会社, Autorité des Marchés Financiersへの登録を取得しました (AMF), フランスの金融市場規制当局, デジタルアセットサービスプロバイダーとして. ソシエテ・ジェネラルの子会社がデジタル資産サービスプロバイダーとして登録 デジタル資産…

Bitfarms がアルゼンチンでビットコイン メガファームの運用を開始

ビットファーム, a global Bitcoin mining company, has started operations in its mining megafarm located in Argentina. The farm, launched on September 16, is currently generating 10 メガワット (MW) of mining power during the first phase and will scale operations to be

金融大手のステート ストリートは、機関投資家からの仮想通貨の需要が弱まらないと見ています

Investment management firm State Street says that institutional clients are not deterred from investing in crypto assets despite price declines. “There is a belief that the asset class is here to stay,” a State Street executive said. State Street on Institutional

L2 スケーリング ソリューション Arbitrum が Nitro Rollup Stack Migration を導入

The layer two (L2) scaling solution Arbitrum revealed on Wednesday that the team has implemented the projects Nitro rollup stack migration. 今月上旬, Arbitrum developers noted that the Nitro migration would reduce network fees and improve throughput. Arbitrum Developers Implement

ロバート・キヨサキがビットコインの購入を待っている現金ポジションで言う—資産価格が暴落している, 「地球上で最大のセール」の到来

ベストセラー本「金持ち父さん貧乏父さん」の有名な著者, ロバート・キヨサキ, 投資家に見逃さないように忠告した “地上最大のセール。” He said asset prices are crashing and indicated that he is waiting in cash position to pick

Paypalが暗号通貨サービスをアップグレード—ユーザーが暗号通貨を他のウォレットに転送できるようになりました, 交換

Paypal has begun letting users transfer cryptocurrencies between its platform and other wallets and exchanges. “This feature has been consistently ranked by users as one of the most requested enhancements since we began offering the purchase of crypto on our platform,”…


Meta is bringing interactive 3D ads to Facebook and Instagram feeds, inspired by the metaverse pivot the company has begun to execute since its name change. This is possible due to a new integration in Metas AR (Augmented Reality) publishing library

テクニカル分析: 宇宙, 土曜日のハーモニー価格の急騰

宇宙 (原子) and harmony (ONE) were some of todays big gainers, as the global crypto market cap was up 1.23% 週末を始める. テラ (LUNA) was also higher, extending its recent gains to a sixth consecutive trading session. 宇宙 (原子)…


Testing of the digital ruble has started in Russia with the countrys central bank announcing the first complete transactions between individual wallets. The monetary authority, a staunch opponent of cryptocurrencies, says its digital currency will create new opportunities for citizens, businesses,…

タンザニアのフィンテックが調達 $10 100万, 入る予定 12 その他のアフリカ諸国

A Tanzanian fintech startup revealed it has raised $10 million in its latest funding round and is planning to use the funds to finance an expansion into other African countries. Fintech Plans to Enter 12 More Countries by Years End The