フランスで 3 番目に大きい銀行ソシエテ ジェネラルの子会社がデジタル資産サービス プロバイダーとしての登録を取得

ソシエテ ジェネラル フォージ, フランス第3位の銀行の子会社, Autorité des Marchés Financiersへの登録を取得しました (AMF), フランスの金融市場規制当局, デジタルアセットサービスプロバイダーとして.


Societe Generale’s Subsidiary Registers as Digital Asset Service Provider

The digital asset subsidiary of Societe General Group, ソシエテ ジェネラル フォージ, is now registered with France’s financial regulator, the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF). Societe Generale is France’s third-largest bank by total assets.

According to the AMF’s list of registered Digital Asset Service Providers (DASPs), Societe Generale-Forge obtained registration on Sept. 27. The company is now authorized to offer digital asset custody service, the purchase and sale of digital assets for legal tender, and the trading of digital assets against other digital assets in France.

Societe Generale-Forge provides issuers and investors with end-to-end services to issue, invest and manage digital-native security tokens registered on public blockchains, its website describes, 精緻化:

Societe Generale is now offering a range of capital market products to institutional clients under a native security token format on Ethereum and Tezos with full banking level safety and regulatory compliance.

先月, Societe Generale Securities Services (SGSS) announced that it has begun offering new services for asset management companies wishing to develop innovative professional funds based on cryptocurrencies.

In June, ソシエテ ジェネラル フォージ partnered with Metaco, a provider of digital asset management technology and infrastructure, “to orchestrate its digital asset custody operations.”

“Security tokens allow for a fully digital issuance process and lifecycle,” the bank detailed, 追加:

Due to their innovative characteristics, they have the potential to significantly improve efficiency, speed and transparency in financial markets and make transactions safer and more resilient — all while offering benefits similar to those of financial instruments issued in a conventional way.


What do you think about Societe Generale-Forge obtaining registration with France’s financial regulator as a digital asset service provider? 以下のコメントセクションでお知らせください.


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画像クレジット: シャッターストック, Pixabay, ウィキ・コモンズ

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