Chip Giant Intel Abandons Bitcoin ASIC Production

After announcing the production of bitcoin application-specific integrated circuits (ASIC), Intel, the world’s largest semiconductor chip manufacturer by revenue, appears to be abandoning its blockchain chip production. 火曜日に, a spokesperson for the chip manufacturer explained that Intel hasend-of-lifed the

Kenyan AI and Blockchain Startup Receives Investment From Swiss VC Firm

Fastagger Inc, an artificial intelligence and blockchain startup from Kenya, recently revealed that it had received an investment from the Swizterland-based blockchain investor CVVC. Mutembei Kariuki, said the investment will be used to fund the further develop Fastagger’scutting-edge technology expertise”…

GAIMIN Delivers a Decentralized Approach to the Increasing Requirement for More Data Processing Power

The world-wide demand for data processing is increasing year-on-year, with data processing applications requiring ever increasing performance from data processing devices and services. Industries, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), video rendering, powering blockchain computations, scientific simulations and research, financial modeling and

ロシアがEUのガスを遮断, Vitalik がビットコインのセキュリティについて語る, その他—Bitcoin.comニュースウィークのレビュー

今週はマクロ市場と地政学がニュースを独占した, ロシアがヨーロッパを遮断したことで’ガス供給, イタリア国債に賭けるヘッジファンド, および国際通貨基金’ザンビアに対する政府の救済により、クワチャがルーブルを世界に追い越すことができるようになった’最もパフォーマンスの高い通貨….


今週, ラッパーのスヌープ・ドッグは、火曜日の CNBC とのインタビューで仮想通貨の暴落について語り、仮想通貨経済は回復すると信じていると説明した. スヌープはクラッシュのように感じると言った “‘除草した’ すべての…


12月中 2021, the CEO of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, discussed how the firm was looking into non-fungible token (NFT) technology during an ask-me-anything (AMA) session. Three months later, at the South by Southwest (SXSW) event in Texas, メタ’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg

WasabiCoinjoinトランザクションのデミキシング: 連鎖分析の匿名化の主張の詳細

火曜日に, journalist Laura Shin published a story that claims to identify the 2016 Genesis DAO hacker who siphoned 3.6 million ethereum from the decentralized autonomous organization. While the story surprised the crypto community, one of the biggest eye-openers was the

マーベルコミックはフリーランスのアーティストにマーベルブランドのNFTをミントしないように伝えます, 「クリエイターに機会を紹介する」出版社

Last March, the comic book publisher DC Comics told freelancers that intellectual property (IP) and characters owned by DC Comics were off-limits in regards to freelancers leveraging the IP for non-fungible token (NFT) asset sales. A recent report indicates that Marvel