
中国とサウジアラビアの関係は、同国の内閣が上海協力機構への参加に合意したことにより拡大している。 (SCO). 王国による外交的動きは9月の覚書から始まった, そして3月末に,…

BTC-eのAlexander Vinnikが裁判の遅延を理由に保釈を申請

The alleged operator of crypto exchange BTC-e, Alexander Vinnik, has asked to be released on bail due to the delay in court proceedings. In early August, the Russian IT specialist was extradited to the United States to face charges of money

米ドル価格の表示は引き続き禁止, ガーナ中央銀行、女優リディア・フォーソンに語る

The Bank of Ghana recently warned businesses quoting U.S. dollar prices that the practice is still prohibited and that the cedi remains Ghana’s sole legal tender. The bank said it is working with law enforcement toclamp down on illegal foreign


A member of the defense team of the alleged BTC-e operator Alexander Vinnik has called on the head of the Russian Orthodox Church to intervene in support of his client. The Russian national may be sentenced to over 50 years in

疑わしいクリプトロンダラーの弁護士 Vinnik は、ロシアに米国との囚人交換について話し合うよう呼びかける

A lawyer representing Russian IT specialist Alexander Vinnik has urged the government in Moscow to discuss a potential exchange of prisoners with the United States, where he was recently extradited. The French legal expert is convinced only a return to his

Chainalysisレポートは言う $2.2 数百万の暗号がウクライナの親ロシアグループに送られました

ブロックチェーン インテリジェンス企業 Chainalysis のレポートによると、, 会社が特定した 54 持っている親ロシア団体 “まとめて受け取った $2.2 100万相当の暗号通貨。” The paramilitary groups in Ukraine primarily received bitcoin and ether donations but also got