Russia to Increase Reliance on National Currencies in Energy Trade, Vows to Move Away From the US Dollar

Russia will increase its reliance on national currencies to settle payments for its energy resources, moving away from the US dollar, according to Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak. Novak noted there is a great interest in acquiring Russian energy resources,…

米ドル価格の表示は引き続き禁止, ガーナ中央銀行、女優リディア・フォーソンに語る

The Bank of Ghana recently warned businesses quoting U.S. dollar prices that the practice is still prohibited and that the cedi remains Ghana’s sole legal tender. The bank said it is working with law enforcement toclamp down on illegal foreign


国境を越えた支払いに暗号を採用することは、ロシア商工会議所がアフリカ諸国とのさらなる協力のためにロビー活動を行っている提案の1つです. ロシアを制限する前例のない制裁の中で’国際取引能力, the head of the board has urged