オランダのマキシマ王妃は、デジタル ユーロの複数の利点を認識しています

Queen Maxima of the Netherlands has outlined multiple benefits central bank digital currencies (CBDC) could bring, particularly in the area of financial inclusion. “Governments could use a digital euro to channel financial support to low-income households. This would deepen longer-term inclusion,…

ECB は Amazon を選択し、 4 デジタルユーロの開発を支援する他の企業

The European Central Bank (ECB) has selected five companies to help develop user interfaces for a digital euro. Each company will work with the ECB and focus on one specific use case of the digital euro. Amazon has been chosen to

ECBのラガルド, パネッタは、デジタルユーロを暗号よりも効率的な支払い手段と見なしています

裏付けのない暗号通貨は効率的な支払い手段ではなく、ステーブルコインは実行に対して脆弱です, 欧州中央銀行の高官は、デジタルユーロの主張をする新しい記事で指摘しました. The executives have marked key

ECBのラガルド総裁は、デジタルユーロは現金に取って代わることはないと述べていますが、便利なサービスを提供できる可能性があります, 費用のかからない支払い手段

The president of the European Central Bank (ECB), Christine Lagarde, says that a digital euro will not replace cash but would complement it. “A digital euro would give you an additional choice about how to pay and make it easier to

欧州委員会が3月にデジタルユーロ協議を開始, 来年初めに法案を提案する

EUの行政府はデジタルユーロプロジェクトに関する公開協議を来月開始する準備を進めている. The European Commission will also prepare new legislation to establish the legal basis for the digital version of the common European

インド政府はビットコイン取引に関する質問に答えます, カルナタカ詐欺, 暗号取引の合法性

インド政府は、ビットコイン取引に関する議会での 3 つの一連の質問に答えました。, カルナタカで注目を集めたビットコイン詐欺, インドにおける暗号通貨取引と暗号交換の合法性. その間, the winter session of parliament has begun and a


The monetary authority of the euro area, the Eurosystem, has introduced a new framework for overseeing electronic payments, including services related to crypto assets. The new set of rules will complement upcoming EU regulations for cryptocurrencies and stablecoins. ECB Aims for


Nexi, a leading European payments company, is reportedly giving advice to the European Central Bank (ECB) related to the digital euro project. The announcement was made by Nexis CEO Paolo Bertoluzzo, who also gave his opinion about the future of central


The head of the Bank of International Settlements (ビス) Innovation Hub, Benoît Cœuré, has urged central banks to act now on central bank digital currencies (CBDC) to compete with initiatives in the private sector, 暗号通貨を含む. “CBDCs will take years to