Blockchain Retail Market Size to Top Over $2 Billion by 2028 — Study

According to Fortune Business Insights, the global blockchain retail market size is expected to surge from the $172.2 million recorded in 2021 to over $2 billion by 2028. Both the demand for the product by end-users as well as the growing

BIS Releases Report On ‘Project Icebreaker’ — Develops Cross-Border Retail CBDC Payment Model

The Bank for International Settlements (ビス) has released a report summarizing theProject Icebreakertrial, which explored the potential advantages and difficulties of utilizing a retail central bank digital currency (CBDC) in cross-border payments. The experiment was designed to test “の…

Xapo Bank Integrates Lightning Network Payments Through Lightspark Partnership

行進に 2, Xapo Bank announced its partnership with Lightspark, a company led by David Marcus, former crypto boss at Facebook. The partnership aims to extend the utility of bitcoin and the Lightning Network. Xapo revealed on Thursday that it is

シンガポールは、新しい規制に先立って暗号会社から詳細な情報を求めています, レポートが発表

シンガポールの金融当局は、都市国家とともに暗号空間の監視を強化するための措置を講じています’中央銀行は、企業にその活動と資産に関する追加情報を提供するよう求めていると伝えられています. 適用される規則の拡大の可能性に先立って, の…

ECBのラガルド, パネッタは、デジタルユーロを暗号よりも効率的な支払い手段と見なしています

裏付けのない暗号通貨は効率的な支払い手段ではなく、ステーブルコインは実行に対して脆弱です, 欧州中央銀行の高官は、デジタルユーロの主張をする新しい記事で指摘しました. The executives have marked key

ガーナCBDC開発: 新しい中央銀行の文書は、デジタル通貨を発行するための主な動機を概説しています

最近公開された文書で, ガーナ銀行 (ボグ) 中央銀行のデジタル通貨を開発する主な理由のいくつかを概説 (CBDC). また, ドキュメントで, 銀行’s governor insists the institution is open to suggestions that will help

ビザ: 調査対象の4社に1社が今年暗号通貨の支払いを受け入れる計画

Payments giant Visa has conducted a survey of small businesses and found that almost a quarter of those who responded plan to accept cryptocurrency payments this year. “I think more people are feeling more confident with crypto,” said a Visa executive….


The monetary authority of the euro area, the Eurosystem, has introduced a new framework for overseeing electronic payments, including services related to crypto assets. The new set of rules will complement upcoming EU regulations for cryptocurrencies and stablecoins. ECB Aims for